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Plants & Human Affairs (BIOL106) - Stephen G. Saupe, Ph.D.; Biology Department, College of St. Benedict/St. John's University, Collegeville, MN 56321; ssaupe@csbsju.edu; http://www.employees.csbsju.edu/ssaupe |
Natural History of Medicinal Plants - Preface, Chapters 1 & 2
Short Answer Questions:
Timeline Question: The following diagram represents a timeline from prehistoric times to the present 2005 AD. Beneath each major period in history is a letter (A-F). Match each of the following with the appropriate time on the timeline.
____ // _____________________________________________________
500 BC 0
500 AD 1000
_______ | Aristotle | _______ | Hieronymous Bock | |
_______ |
Brunsfels |
_______ | Hippocrates | |
_______ | de Materica medica | _______ | Linnaeus | |
_______ | Dioscorides | _______ | medieval period | |
_______ |
Gerard |
_______ | Pliny | |
_______ | Renaissance period | _______ | Theophrastus |
Medicinal Plant Matching.
Match each of the following with the appropriate plant.
a. Black nightshade | b. Chaulmoogra | c. Foxglove |
d. Madagascar periwinkle | e. Queen Anne�s lace | f. Poppy |
_____ cure for dropsy
_____ digitalis
_____ discovered by Joseph Rock
_____ heart medicine
_____ herb poisonous to some, but not others?
_____ heroin
_____ native to China, Burma
_____ opium
_____ pod produces latex
_____ potency greatest in the morning
_____ related to tomatoes
_____ treatment for leprosy
_____ treatment for breast cancer
_____ treatment for Giardia and intestinal parasites
_____ treatment for leukemia and Hodgkin�s disease
_____ used for contraception or to induce abortion
_____ Wild carrot
_____ William Withering
Last updated: 04/29/2005 � Copyright by SG Saupe