
  1. "Development of Inhibitors for Low Molecular Weight Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase (LMW-PTP)" McIntee, Edward J. Invited speaker, May 28th, 2007, Southwest University, Beibei, China.

  2. "Low Molecular Weight Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase (LMW-PTP) Inhibitors" McIntee, Edward J. Invited speaker, May 21st, 2007, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, China.

  3. "Open-ended purification schemes for organic chemistry laboratory practical" Graham, Kate J.; Johnson, Brian J.; Jones, T. Nicholas; McIntee, Edward J. 229th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, March 13-17, 2005, San Diego, CA.

  4. "Reactions of Formaldehyde plus Acetaldehyde with Deoxyguanosine and DNA", Mingyao Wang, Yongli Shi, Guang Cheng, Peter W. Villalta, Shana J. Sturla, John R. Jalas, Edward J. McIntee, Stephen S. Hecht, 224th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, August 18-22, 2002, Boston, MA.

  5. "Mass Spectrometric Analysis of DNA Adducts Formed from a Tobacco Smoke Carcinogen, 4-[(Acetoxymethyl)nitrosoamino]-1-(3-Pyridyl)-1-Butanone (NNKOAc)", Villalta, P.W.; Wang, M.; Cheng, G.; Shi, Y.; Sturla, S.; Upadhyaya, P.; McIntee, E.J.; Hecht, S.S. 34th Great Lakes Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, June 2-4, 2002, Minneapolis, MN.

  6. "Stereoselective Deuterium Substitution Attenuates the Tumorigenicity of NNK, a Tobacco-Specific Nitrosamine", Jalas, J.R.; McIntee, E.J.; Kenney, P.M.J.; Upadhyaya, P.;Hecht, S.S. 34th Great Lakes Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, June 2-4, 2002, Minneapolis, MN.

  7. "Effects of N-Acetyl-S-(N-2-Phenethylthiocarbamoyl)-L-Cysteine (PEITC-NAC) and Myo-Inositol (MI), Individually and in Combination, on Lung Tumorigenesis in A/J Mice Treated with Benzo[a]pyrene (BAP) Plus 4-(Methylnitrosoamino)-1-(3-Pyridyl)-1-Butanone (NNK)", Hecht, S.S.; Upadhyaya, P.; Kenney, P.M.J.; McIntee, E.J.; Wang, M. 93rd American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, April 6-10, 2002, San Francisco, CA.

  8. "Stereoselective Deuterium Substitution Attenuates the Metabolic Activation and Tumorigenicity of the Tobacco-Specific Nitrosamine 4-(Methylnitrosoamino)-1-(3-Pyridyl)-1-Butanone (NNK)", Jalas, J.R.; McIntee, E.J.; Kenney, P.M.J.; Hecht, S.S. 93rd American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, April 6-10, 2002, San Francisco, CA.

  9. "Investigation of Pyridyloxobutyl Adducts in Deoxyguanosine (dG) and DNA Reacted with 4-[(Acetoxymethyl)nitrosoamino]-1-(3-Pyridyl)-1-Butanone (NNKOAc)", Wang, M.; Cheng, G.; Shi, Y.; Villalta, P.W.; Upadhyaya, P.; McIntee, E.J.; Hecht, S.S. 93rd American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, April 6-10, 2002, San Francisco, CA.

  10. "New Aspects of DNA Adduct Formation by the Carcinogens Crotonaldehyde and Acetaldehyde", Hecht, S.S.; McIntee, E.J.; Cheng, G.; Shi, Y.; Villalta, P.W.; Wang, M. 6th International Symposium on Biological Reactive Intermediates, July 16-20, 2000, Paris, France.

  11. "New DNA Adducts of Acetaldehyde", Wang, M.; McIntee, E.J.; Cheng, G.; Shi, Y.; Villalta, P.; Hecht, S.S. 91st American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, April 1-5, 2000, San Francisco, CA.

  12. "Enantiomeric Composition of N'-Nitrosonornicotine and N'-Nitrosoanatabine in Tobacco", Carmella, S.G.; McIntee, E.J.; Chen, M.; Hecht, S.S. 91st American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, April 1-5, 2000, San Francisco, CA.

  13. "Characterization of Paraldol-Releasing DNA Adducts of Crotonaldehyde", Wang, M.; McIntee, E.J.; Cheng, G.; Shi, Y.; Villalta, P.; Hecht, S.S. American Chemical Society National Meeting, March 26-30, 2000, San Francisco, CA.

  14. "Metabolism of N'-Nitrosonornicotine (NNN) Enantiomers and Synthesis of Novel DNA Adducts", McIntee, E.J. Western Michigan University. Invited Speaker. February 10, 2000, Kalamazoo, MI.

  15. "Metabolism of N'-Nitrosonornicotine (NNN) Enantiomers and Synthesis of Novel DNA Adducts", McIntee, E.J. University of Minnesota. Carcinogenesis and Chemoprevention Program Monthly Meeting. January 27, 2000, Minneapolis, MN.

  16. "Synthesis of N'-Nitrosonornicotine (NNN) Enantiomers and Metabolism Studies in Cultured Rat Esophagus", McIntee, E.J.; Felicia, N.D.; Murphy, S.E.; Hecht, S.S. 9th North American ISSX Meeting, October 24-28, 1999, Nashville, TN.

  17. "Stereospecific Synthesis, Metabolism and Tumorigenicity of Tobacco-Specific N-Nitrosamines: N'-Nitrosonornicotine (NNN) and Deuterated 4-(Methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-Pyridyl)-1-Butanone (NNK)", McIntee, E.J. University of Nebraska Medical Center. Invited Speaker. August 31, 1999, Omaha, NE.

  18. "DNA Adduct Formation by 2-Butenal (Crotonaldehyde)", Wang, M.; Shi, Y.; McIntee, E.J.; Cheng, G.; Hecht, S.S. 90th Annual American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, April 10-14, 1999, Philadelphia, PA.

  19. "Antiviral Nucleoside Drug Delivery Via Amino Acid Phosphoramidates", Wagner, C.R.; Chang, S.-L.; Griesgraber, G.W.; Song, H.; McIntee, E.J.; Zimmerman, C.L. 13th International Roundtable on Nucleosides and Nucleotides, September 6-10, 1998, Montpellier, France.

  20. "Potent Inhibition of Breast Cancer Cell and Tumor Growth by AZT Phosphoramidates", Wagner, C.R.; Iyer, V.; Griesgraber, G.W.; Ballato, G.; McIntee, E.J.; Akanni, A.O.; Abul-Hajj, Y. 13th International Roundtable on Nucleosides and Nucleotides, September 6-10, 1998, Montpellier, France.

  21. "Amino Acid Phosphoramidates of Antiviral 3-Deaza-adenosine Analogs Exhibit High Potency and Low Toxicity", Wagner, C.R.; McIntee, E.J.; Chiang, P.K. 11th International Conference on Antiviral Research, April 5-10, 1998, San Diego, CA.

  22. "Comparison of the Plasma Pharmacokinetics of AZT and AZT Phosphoramidates", Wagner, C.R.; McIntee, E.J.; Song, H.; Zimmerman, C.L. 11th International Conference on Antiviral Research, April 5-10, 1998, San Diego, CA.

  23. "Studies of Mechanism of Action of AZT Phosphoramidates", Chang, S.-L.; McIntee, E.J.; Wagner, C.R. Keystone Symposium on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment, March 13-19, 1998, Park City, UT.

  24. "Evidence that DNA Incorporation is Not the Major Mechanism Responsible for the Anti-Breast Cancer Activity of AZT", Wagner, C.R.; Ballato, G.; Akanni, A.O.; McIntee, E.J.; Abul-Hajj, Y. IBC's 6th Annual Conference on Rational Drug Design, December 11-12, 1997, Coronado, CA.

  25. "AZT Exhibits Potent In Vitro and In Vivo Anti-Breast Cancer Activity", Wagner, C.R.; Ballato, G.; McIntee, E.J.; Chang, S.-L.; Akanni, A.O.; Abul-Hajj, Y. Gordon Research Conference on Purines, Pyrimidines and Related Substances, June 29- July 4, 1997, Newport, RI.

  26. "Drug Delivery Via Amino Acid Phosphoramidates", Wagner, C.R.; McIntee, E.J.; Chang, S.-L.; Abraham, T.W. 10th International Conference on Antiviral Research, April 6-11, 1997, Atlanta, GA.

  27. "Metabolism and Mechanistic Studies of Aromatic Amino Acid Phosphomonoester Amidate Pronucleotides of AZT", McIntee, E.J.; Chang, S.-L.; Chiang, P.K.; Wagner, C.R. Second Winter Conference on Medicinal and Bioorganic Chemistry, January 26-31, 1997, Steamboat Springs, CO.

  28. "Antiviral Amino Acid Nucleoside Phosphomonoester Amidates: Evidence of Phosphoramidase Activity", Wagner, C.R.; McIntee, E.J.; Abraham, T.W. 15th Enzyme Mechanisms Conference, January 4-8, 1997, Naples, FL.

  29. "Phosphomonoester Amidate Derivatives of 3'-Azido-3'-Deoxythymidine (AZT) with Distinct Effects on IL-2 Production and HIV-1 Infection of Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes", Chang, S.-L.; Southern, P.J.; McIntee, E.J.; Wagner, C.R. IXe Entretiens Jacques Cartier on HIV Pathogenesis: Viral and Host Factors, October 1-4, 1996, QuŽbec, Canada.

  30. "Evidence of Phosphoramidase Activation of Amino Acid Phosphoramidate Prodrugs of an Antitumor Nucleoside", Wagner, C.R.; Kalman, T.I.; McIntee, E.J.; Abraham, T.W. XII International Roundtable: Nucleosides, Nucleotides And Their Biological Applications, September 15-19, 1996, La Jolla, CA.

  31. "Aromatic Amino Acid Phosphoramidates of Antiviral Nucleosides: Evidence for Phosphoramidate Hydrolase Activity", McIntee, E.J.; Remmel, R.P.; Abraham, T.W.; Wagner, C.R. 34th Annual Medicinal Chemistry Meeting-in-Miniature (MIKI), March 29-31, 1996, Iowa City, IA.

  32. "Potential Novel Mechanism for Inhibition of HIV Replication by Aromatic Amino Acid Phosphoramidates of Zidovudine (AZT)", McIntee, E.J.; Remmel, R.P.; Schinazi, R.F.; Wagner, C.R. Keystone Symposium, January 17-23, 1996, Taos, NM.

  33. "Aromatic Amino Acid Phosphoramidate Di- and Triesters of 3'-Azido-3'-Deoxythymidine (AZT) Are Non-Toxic Inhibitors of HIV-1 Replication", Wagner, C.R.; McIntee, E.J.; Schinazi, R.F.; Abraham, T.W. Gordon Research Conference on Purines, Pyrimidines and Related Substances, July 3-7, 1995, Newport, RI.

  34. "Expression and Phage Display of a SCA Constructed from the Phosphorylcholine Binding IG-A, MOPC-167", Nielsen, J.M.; Chang, S.-L.; McIntee, E.J.; Wagner, C.R. American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, May 21-25, 1995, San Francisco, CA.

  35. "An Amino Acid Phosphoramidate Diester of 3'-Azido-3'-Deoxythymidine (AZT) Possesses Enhanced Activity and Reduced Toxicity Compared to the Parent Nucleoside", McIntee, E.J.; Abraham, T.W.; Schinazi, R.F.; Wagner, C.R. 33rd Annual Medicinal Chemistry Meeting-in-Miniature (MIKI), May 19-21, 1995, Lawrence, KS.

  36. "Cloning, SCA Construction, Phage Display and Molecular Modeling of the Phosphorylcholine Binding IGA, MOPC-167", Nielsen, J.M.; Chang, S.-L.; McIntee, E.J.; Wagner, C.R. 32nd Annual Medicinal Chemistry Meeting-in-Miniature (MIKI), May 20-22, 1994, Chicago, IL.