Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase

Active site nucleophile Cys149Ser Mutant

Wire Frame

Cartoon showing 4 monomers

Individual subunits with bound NAD+ (blue) and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate  (green)

Active Site:NAD+ in Blue, Protein Wireframe; Cartoon Domains: NAD Binding Domain in Yellow, Substrate Binding Domain in Red

NAD+ (wireframe) Coordination Motif: Asp 32; Arg 72; Gly 97; Ser 119, 149 (His 176; Tyr 178; Asn 313

Spacefill visualization of bound substrates
Protein (gray), Binding Site Region (red), NAD+ (blue); Glyceraldehyde3-P (green)

