SecY Complex

Transmembrane protein
responsible for transporting
polypeptides across cell membranes
in prokaryotes.

Wire Frame

α subunit - red

  • Forms the pore through which proteins pass

β subunit - blue

  • Not necessary for channel function

γ  subunit - yellow

  • Holds α subunit in proper conformation

Select all subunits

 Cartoon and Pore Ring (white)

  • Narrowest point of channel. Isoleucine, valine, and leucine residues. (After rotation, rotate to view down y axis for a better view)

Pore Ring and Plug(Green)

  • Closes the channel to polypeptides and small molecules. Upon binding of the signal sequence of a polypeptide, the pore plug moves and provides access through the pore ring.

Dot surface and Wireframe

