1. Welcome
Henry Jakubowski, Ph.D.Professor, Chemistry Dept.
web: http://employees.csbsju.edu/hjakubowski
office: 363-5354
Assistant Director:
Dani Jakubowski, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist, Behavioral Health Clinic - Women's Specialty Center
St. Cloud Hospital
2. Photos
3. Orientation Sessions: Mandatory - Set
4. Forms
a. Passports: If you don't have a passport, you must get one immediately. will get an application form and instruction sheet. Complete it EXCEPT FOR YOUR SIGNATAURE and take it to the government office ASAP. We need your passport number for the SWU Application form. SWU cannot process the JW202 form until they have each student’s passport number. We would like to get the University application forms sent off to the Foreign Affairs Office by early May. It usually takes 6 weeks to get the passport back after submitting the application. As soon as you get your passport, submit it to the CIE immediately. If you have a passport, it must be valid for 6 months beyond your stay in China and have two blank visa pages. If you plan to travel outside of China before your return trip, it should have more blank visa pages. Instruction Sheet
b. Visa: Fill out the form tonight and give it to me when you are done. A sample form will be distributed as an example. Leave the passport section blank, and the CIE will fill that section in when you give them your passport.
c. SWU – You must fill out this form tonight. A sample form will be provided. We need your passport number for the SWU Application form (see above).
5. Preliminary Health Information:
You need to set up a consult with a travel clinic. These are medical clinics that specialize in advising travelers. The Health Service at SJU is a certified travel clinic. You may also use one in your hometown. You will need to get
vaccines (Hep A, Hep B, DPT)
prescription for antibiotic for GI infections (such as Cipro)
TB test
6. Books that you need to get for future orientation sessions
a. Encountering the Chinese by Hu Wenzhong
7. Moodle
Discussion Board:
07 China:
9. Get to know you group
a. Divide into pairs and talk about reasons why going to China
b. Introduce your partner to the group
10. Senior Seminar books: Please order these
Elements of Moral Philosophy, James and Stuart Rachels
11. MIndfulness
Miracle of Mindfulness (optional) by Thich Nhat Hahn
12. Goals of the program: Assignment for next orientation session.
Read the goals.
Develop a list of 3 concrete ways that you will personally meet these goals. Send them to be by email before the next orientation session. Also submit any other goals you would like to achieve as well.
13. Orientation Background:
Do the self orientation forms at the address below
14. Question/Answer: Time to ask questions, and maybe get answers