Time Scales of Various Dynamic Events That Can Occur in Enzyme Catalysis

Motion Approx. Time Scale - log(s)
bond vibration -14 to -13
proton transfer -12
hydrogen bonding -12 to -11
elastic vibration of globular region -12 to -11
sugar repuckering -12 to -9
rotation of side chains at surface -11 to -10
torsional libration of buried group -11 to -9
hinge bending at domain interfaces -11 to -7
water structure reorganization -8
helix breakdown/formation -8 to -7
allosteric transitions -5 to 0
local denaturation -5 to 1
rotation of medium-sized interior sidechains -4 to 0

from Benkovic, S and Hammes-Schiffer, S. Science. 301, pg 1197 (2003)