Web That Has No Weaver

Chapter 3 - The Fundamental Organs

I. Overview

II. Yin Organs-produce, transform, regulate, store fundamental substances (Qi, Blood, Jing, Shen (Spirit), Fluids. Deeper inside than Yang; more external. Also more importnat in medical theory/practice.
  1. Heart (and Pericardium): Heart rules bllod/vessels. Pericardium (Outer protective sheild of the heart) is considered the Heart's firstline of defense. Considered by some to be a seperate organ--much dispute.. Impairments of heart are shown by insomnia, excessive dreaming, forgetfulness, hysteria and others.
  2. Lungs: Direct movement in 2 directions-- "Descending and liquifying" and "disseminating/circulating" The lungs rule Qi. Also rules skin, sweat glands, body hair, and open into the nose.
  3. Spleen: Rules transformation, transportation. Here the food is transformed inot Qi and blood. IT is considered the "foundation of postnatal existence", Helps create blood and keep blood moving smoothly/ Rules muscle, flesh and four limbs and delivers blood to these places. Distinguishes five tastes.
  4. Liver:"general of an army" Rules flowing and spreading. Smooth movement of odily substances and regularity. Store blood, controls bile secretion, harmonizes emotions. Distinguishes five colors: white, yellow, red, blue-green and black when in harmony.
  5. Kidneys: Store Jing. Rule birth, development, maturation. Determines Yin and Yang of other organs. Reproductive problems occur as Jing diminishes. Kidneys rule bones, marrow and water. Hears the Five tones and Grasping of Qi.

III. Yang Organs-receive, breakdown, absorb part of food that will be transformed into fundamental substances, transport and excrete unused portion

  1. Gall Bladder: Stores and secretes bile, which is produced by a surplus of Qi. Associated with Liver . Ruled decisions. Also a curious organ.
  2. Stomach: Recieves and ripens ingested foods and fluids. Here food begins decomposition. Associated witht he Spleen, rules "descending." Symptoms of disharmony include nausea, stomachache, distention, belching and vomiting.
  3. Small Intestine: Rules seperation of "pure" from "turbid" Symptoms include abdominal pain, intestinal rumblings, diarrhea and constipation.
  4. Large Intestine: Continues to move turbid parts of food and fluid downward. Absorbs water from waste material. Feces formed and eliminated.
  5. Bladder: Receives and excretes urine. Disharmonies: incontinence, burning urination, difficulty urinating. Often coupled with Kidneys.
  6. Triple Burner (Triple Heater/Triple Warmer: Has a name but not a shape, and no Western correlary. Regulates water. Water movement relatd to Qi of Triple Burner. Fire necessary to control water. Functional relationship between organs (Lungs, Spleen, Kidneys, Small Intestine, Bladder) Upper Burner is "Mist" Middle Burner is "Foam" Lower Burner is a "Swamp."

IV. Curious Organs-Resemble the Yang organs in form but the Yin in function

  1. Brain: * "A Sea of Marrow" Responsible for fluidity of movement and sensitivity in eyes and ears. When Marrow is insufficient rhe brain lacks coordiination and ther is ringing in hte ears, dizziness, poor visiona nd languid idleness.
  2. Marrow: * Nourishes the Bones. Spinal Cord is considered part of Marrow.
  3. Bone: * Give the body structure. Fed with Marrow
  4. Blood Vessels Blood transported through body. Roughly related to Meridian System.
  5. Uterus: menstruation and Gestation happen here. However, these functions are largely governed by other organs such as the Spleen, Liver and Kidneys.
  6. Gall Bladder: A yang organ.
* These three organs are so closely related that they are almost indistinguishable from one another.