Please complete this form by so that we can plan rooms and meals.
School Name
Names of Teachers Coming to DeutschFest from Your School
Your Cell Phone Number for Last Minute Details
Number of students attending, both competition participants and observers.
Number of Students who will probably buy lunch for $7 -- all-you-can-eat salad bar, pizza, and other grill specialties, ice cream, beverages.
Deutschfest fee is $4 or $5 per student attending, both students who are in a competition and those who are observers.
Amount to be paid: $4 x number of students (if check received on or before March 15) =
Amount to be paid if paid at the door: $5 x number of students =
Please make checks out to Deutschfest 2013Send check labeled with your name and school to DeutschFest 2013Mark ThamertGerman Studies ProgramSaint John's UniversityCollegeville, MN 56321
Questions? call me at 320-363-3520 (mornings are best) or email me at
You are strongly encouraged to be an AATG member. See this link for membership advantages and opportunities: Note: The idea of a Minnesota-wide German competition for high school students comes from Karl Fink of Northfield, Minnesota, who lead the first Minnesota Deutsches Fest there in the early 1980's.