The College of St. Benedict
and Graywolf Press welcome
Carl Phillips
CARL PHILLIPS is the author of Pastoral,
published by Graywolf Press, and three previous
books of poetry, From
the Devotions (also published by Graywolf Press), Cortège, and In
the Blood, which won the 1992 Samuel
French Morse Poetry Prize. He has received prizes and fellowships from the
Guggenheim Foundation and the Library of Congress, and has been a finalist for both the
National Book Award and the National Book Critics Circle Award. He teaches at Washington
University in Saint Louis.
Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. in the Benedicta Arts Center Forum Theater.
read an excerpt of Pastoral
poems of Phillips' on the web: "Luna
Moth" | "As From a Quiver of Arrows"
"Writing poetry is a very quiet, solitary sort of activity. One writes with no expectations beyond the poem itself, and I sometimes forget that the poems are going to go out into the wider world." --Carl Phillips in the Washington University Record, October 22, 1998.