American students rarely have access to a live production of Goethe's greatest Drama, Faust, but on February 18 Faust came to us in the person of Bridge Markland, a famous Kabarettistin from Berlin.  In her one-woman performance, Markland played Faust, Mephistopheles, and Gretchen and a variety of other characters either in person or with the use of hand puppets.  The resulting 90 minute show was mesmorizing.  Robert Mevissen, junior German major loved it:  "Faust in a Box was a fascinating way to see Goethe's piece performed.  Having read parts of Faust in a German class, this brought a whole new face and life to those character.  The incorporation of contemporary, recognizable music was a brilliantly hip way to tie in the emotions of the past with how we express ourselves today." 
     A native German student who has seen the production in Berlin a few weeks earlier had this to say, 
“Ich war sehr beeindruckt von der Inszenierung. Das letzte Bild ist unglaublich aussagestark und emotionsgeladen (Gretchen im Kerker). Ich bin der Meinung, Faust noch nie so gut interpretiert gesehen zu haben. Groteskes Theater auf das Notwendigste reduziert, und so frisch und zeitgemäß.
Bridge, we are honored that you came to our campuses with your amazing creativity and ability to relate so well with our students.  Thank you for making Goethe come alive!