July Term 2004
 Arts & Ideas
 Departing July 13, 2004



Rome-Florence-Munich (1 credit, global flag). Perhaps no other cities in the world give witness so vividly to artistic movements as the cities of Rome and Florence. This course will introduce students to the art and architecture the Late Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque periods in these two Italian cities. The final days of the seminar we’ll spend in Munich to compare the Bavarian manifestations of the Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque styles in art, architecture and ideas with the examples we studied in Rome and Tuscany.

     E-mail me (Fr. Mark Thamert) and I will send you our website for more info.

feel free to print this page for your family and friends

July Term 2004
Arts & Ideas
 Departing July 13, 2004 


Cost: About $2700

This cost includes 1) orientation get-togethers, 2) airfare from Minneapolis to Europe and return,  3) hotel rooms (double and triple occupancy) for ten days and nights,  4) excursions and entrances, 5) breakfast buffet and three dinners, 6) bus and subway arrangements.   Exact flight arrangements will be determined in January.     

Applications due ASAP.
Deposit of $200 due as soon as you can -- to reserve your spot.
Deposits refundable until two weeks after you handed in your deposit.

For more info do a
 Google Search:

csbsju   Rome   Florence

July Term 2004   
 Arts & Ideas
 Departing July 13, 2004

Travel July 20-30: Here are just a few of the places you can plan to visit:  The beautiful Italian cities of Pisa, Venice, Sorrento and Naples; Switzerland and the Alpine town of Interlaken; the picturesque cities of Salzburg, Vienna and Prague; the Romantic Castles of Bavaria.

Easy on-line application form.

Send me an e-mail for more information, and join us for the experience of your lifetime! 

Or do this Google Search:

csbsju  Rome Florence 


csbsju Mark Thamert Homepage