HONR 310-311: Great Books/Great Ideas 

Dear Student,

Congratulations on your good work at csb/sju so far in your college career.  It is students like you who are the heartbeat of our schools.  I hope you will consider joining the Great Books seminar 2004-2005.   As you know, the great books program at CSB/SJU has a long and revered history.  Some of the very finest students of our schools have taken this year-long seminar.   The Great Books course is both an adventure and a challenge.  You have the opportunity to start your own personal library of nearly 100 books.  By May or by the latest mid-summer you will have the books in your possession, leafing through them when you have some spare time, pondering some of the most wonderful writers of literature and philosophy the world has ever known.  When you get the chance, please go to the SJU bookstore where you will find all of the books together in one place -- on the left (south) wall as you walk in.  There you can browse through the books and ask yourself the question, "Am I ready for this kind of adventure?"

You may wish to browse through these pages: HONR 310-311 Syllabus and Great Books List.

Here's the short application form:

Last Name, First Name; E-Mail Address
(like this: Mitchell, Jake, jamitchell@csbsju.edu)        

Campus Phone  Best time to call     Your age 

Members of the Great Books seminar have found in the past that participation in both semesters of this seminar may be better than applying for only one term.  One or two fall term or spring term only students may be invited to join the group.  Please check the box that applies to you:

  Both Spring and Fall Terms

  Fall 2004 only  ... I cannot do both terms because 

Spring 2005 only  ...  I cannot do both terms because    

Because I am here only one semester next year I may want to do this course the following year.

How many college credits have you completed (not counting spring term 2004)? 

What are your major(s) and minor(s)? 

What is your cumulative gpa, approximately?    

Intended date of graduation (month, year)

Have you taken honors courses before?  Which ones?

Where or how did you hear about the great books seminar?

How strongly do you want to do this (from 1-10, ten being strongest desire)?

Why would you like to participate in this seminar?  (about 50-100 words, please): 


Please describe what experiences you have had in courses which featured discussions and how active you usually are in discussion situations.  For example, do you tend to be an initiator or a good listener?

What hesitations might you have about taking great books?


Other students you would like to recommend for this program:

Name   e-mail

Name   e-mail

Name   e-mail


Please give the names of a professor who could be a reference if we need extra information.

Professor     Office phone number

                                Course you took with him or her and when 

Make sure your application is complete before clicking submit.    
Thank you.  Be ready for the experience of a lifetime!

Fr. Mark Thamert, teacher for Great Books 2004-2005.

Fr. Mark's e-mail if you have a question