You review your previously developed care plan for Mr. Neuman and begin to evaluate your outcomes.  Complete the Evaluation of Outcomes indicating whether or not the outcomes was achieved at the level that you set and designate history and physical findings to support your evaluation.


NURSING DIAGNOSES    Date:___Initial visit and development of plan of care 1/2/03___Evaluation of outcomes  2/14/03

Anxiety related to job stress as manifested by difficulty sleeping, elevated blood pressure, lack of coping and statement of stress.


Outcome Statement:

Knowledge: health behaviors (p. 188)                                                                                               Leisure participation (p. 199)

     Description of healthy nutritional practices (2—4)                                                                                   Participate in activities other than regular work (1-4)

     Description of benefits of activity and exercise (2—4)                                                                              Reports of relaxation from leisure activities (1-4)

     Description of effective stress management techniques (2—4)


                                 Activities to meet outcome


                Individualize nursing activity


                             Evaluation of Outcomes


Nursing Intervention (p.---):



Utilize as many NICs as needed to select five appropriate activities for your patient


Health screening (p. 368)    

¨      Measure blood pressure, height, weight as appropriate.

Health education (p. 365)

¨      Identify internal or external factors that may enhance or reduce motivation for healthy behaviors.

¨      Formulate objectives

¨      Emphasize immediate or short term positive health benefits to be received by positive lifestyle behaviors rather than long term benefits or negative effects of non-compliance

Teaching: prescribed activity/exercise (p. 648)

¨      Inform patient of the purpose for and benefits of exercise

¨      Instruct patient how to safely progress activities

¨      Inform patient what activities are appropriate based on physical condition

¨      Assist the patient to incorporate activity/exercise into daily routine/lifestyle

¨      Provide information on available community resources to increase compliance with activity/exercise





Teaching: prescribed diet (p. 649)

¨      Instruct the patient about how to read labels and select appropriate foods

¨      Instruct the patient about how to plan appropriate meals

¨      Refer patient to dietician as appropriate

Teaching: disease process (p. 640)

¨   Appraise the patients current level      of knowledge related to disease    process

¨      Discuss lifestyle changes that may be required to prevent future complications and or control the disease process

¨  Identify possible etiologies







¨      Yearly exams, monthly weight checks to determine success of weight loss 

¨      Ask patient about motivations to increase exercise and reduce weight

¨      Ask patient what they would like to accomplish (wt. Loss, activity tolerance, decreased blood pressure are examples)

¨      Short term positives include increased activity tolerance, increased sleeping ability, increased self esteem, more energy


¨      Describe why activity will help reduce weight, increase energy and help reduce blood pressure

¨      Describe beginning, and intermediate level exercise (focus on safety and warning signs of overexertion – chest pain, elevated heart rate, numbness or tingling in fingers/hands, light headedness)

¨      Discuss the benefits of walking

¨      Describe the benefits of walking to work or taking the stairs at work or incorporating exercise into the lunch break

¨      Provide information on local health clubs, weight watcher groups

¨      Discuss label reading and choosing the most appropriate foods (include information on the healthiest fast food places)

¨      Discuss quick, nutritious easy meals to prepare

¨      Ask patient if he has further questions to determine the need for a referral

¨      Have the patient describe high blood pressure and the effects of high blood pressure

¨      Discuss diet, exercise and possible treatment with medication

¨      Identify diet, heredity, elevated    weight, and sedentary lifestyle issues


Was your outcome statement 1 achieved? (Circle one)

    1 month later:   YES      NO

Was your outcome statement 2 achieved? (Circle one)

    1 month later:  YES      NO

Evaluate each individual indicator.  Was the level you identified achieved?  Give patient examples and explain:
















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