Nursing Interventions


Activities to meet outcomes

Individualize nursing activity

Evaluation of outcomes

Nursing Intervention activities

Health screening (p. 368)    

¨      Measure blood pressure, height, weight as appropriate.



Health education (p. 365)

¨      Identify internal or external factors that may enhance or reduce motivation for healthy behaviors.

¨      Formulate objectives

¨      Emphasize immediate or short term positive health benefits to be received by positive lifestyle behaviors rather than long term benefits or negative effects of non-compliance


Teaching: prescribed diet (p. 649)

¨      Instruct the patient about how to read labels and select appropriate foods

¨      Instruct the patient about how to plan appropriate meals

¨      Refer patient to dietician as appropriate




¨      Yearly exams, monthly weight checks to determine success of weight loss




¨      Ask patient about motivations to increase exercise and reduce weight

¨      Ask patient what they would like to accomplish (wt. Loss, activity tolerance, decreased blood pressure are examples)

¨      Short term positives include increased activity tolerance, increased sleeping ability, increased self esteem, more energy



¨      Discuss label reading and choosing the most appropriate foods (include information on the healthiest fast food places)

¨      Discuss quick, nutritious easy meals to prepare

¨      Ask patient if he has further questions to determine the need for a referral










Teaching: prescribed activity/exercise (p. 648)

¨      Inform patient of the purpose for and benefits of exercise

¨      Instruct patient how to safely progress activities

¨      Inform patient what activities are appropriate based on physical condition

¨      Assist the patient to incorporate activity/exercise into daily routine/lifestyle

¨      Provide information on available community resources to increase compliance with activity/exercise





Teaching: disease process (p. 640)

¨   Appraise the patients current level      of knowledge related to disease    process

¨      Discuss lifestyle changes that may be required to prevent future complications and or control the disease process

¨  Identify possible etiologies


¨      Describe why activity will help reduce weight, increase energy and help reduce blood pressure

¨      Describe beginning, and intermediate level exercise (focus on safety and warning signs of overexertion – chest pain, elevated heart rate, numbness or tingling in fingers/hands, light headedness)

¨      Discuss the benefits of walking

¨      Describe the benefits of walking to work or taking the stairs at work or incorporating exercise into the lunch break

¨      Provide information on local health clubs, weight watcher groups





¨      Have the patient describe high blood pressure and the effects of high blood pressure

¨      Discuss diet, exercise and possible treatment with medication

¨      Identify diet, heredity, elevated    weight, and sedentary lifestyle issues.