Plant Growth and Development
I. Meristems
- Gink & Go at
the Playground
- definition
- types: apical, vascular cambium, pericycle, cork
- primary vs secondary
(not on exam)
- apical, lateral
- buds � what are they?
- growth and tree/plant height � i.e., carving
initials in tree, swing height
- If meristems are terminal, how can grass keep growing?
II. Determinate vs. indeterminate growth
(not on exam)
- define
- bush beans = determinate (vegetative bud turns into
- pole beans = indeterminate
- entire plant or just part can be determinate
III. Patterns of growth
(not on exam)
- plot growth curves: height vs. time for indeterminate,
determinate, terminal flowering cereal
- Timeline - life cycle of an annual
IV. Apical Dominance
- Xmas tree shape
- apical bud dominates development of lateral buds
- auxin (IAA) and likely other
plant hormones involved
- gardeners prune/pinching
- �chemical pruning�
(not on exam)
V. Senescence/Aging
(not on exam)
- annuals to perennials
- perennials live from just a few years to many
(bristlecone � 4000; aspen clones 10,000)
- Cultivars propagated for many years � Winter Permian
apple in England cultivated at least since 1200 AD
- Black Corinth grape since Greeks
- Reine Claude plum since 1500 AD.
- deadheading � remove flowers to extend age
- senescence � programmed aging, designed to reclaim
nutrients, etc.
- Fall color �
click here for an essay about leaf color.
VI. Pruning � maintaining shape
(not on exam)
- essentially a dwarfing technique
- why prune?
- control size
- shape
- improve strength
- increase light
- decrease humidity, improve air flow
- thin fruit � larger, prevent disease
- timing critical (prevent disease transmission, natural
cycle of plant � i.e., lilac after flower)
- where to prune (leave stem collar, at bud, bud
VII. Hormones Regulate Plant Growth & Development
(not on exam)
A. What is a hormone? - internal chemical, produced by
the plant, low concentration, organic material
B. Auxins
- apical dominance
- root initiation
- abscission
- apples � June drop; NAA used (later prevents)
C. Gibberellin
- seed germination
- break dormancy
- elongation
- elongate grape clusters
- overcome dwarfing
D. Cytokinin
- delay senescence
- cell division
E. Ethylene
- stimulate rubber flow
- triple response
- inhibit germination
- growth inhibitor
Last updated:
02/28/2005 / � Copyright by SG