Plants & Human Affairs
Cherries.wmf (7140 bytes) Plants & Human Affairs (BIOL106)  -  Stephen G. Saupe, Ph.D.; Biology Department, College of St. Benedict/St. John's University, Collegeville, MN 56321;;

Quiz: Plant Way of Life

Fill-in-the-BlankComplete the following with the appropriate choice:

  1. thigmomorphogenesis
  2. skototropism
  3. apical dominance
  1. heterophylly
  2. dendritic
  3. phototropism
  1. gravitropism
  2. solar tracking
  3. leaf mosaics
  4. etiolation
  1. _____ growth response to touch

  2. _____ results in shorter plants with thicker stems

  3. _____ common in plants at treeline

  4. _____ growth toward a darkened region of the environment

  5. _____ bending toward the light

  6. _____ method used by tropical vines to find a support

  7. _____ results in Christmas tree shape of plant

  8. _____ prevents top heaviness and light to reach lower leaves & branches

  9. _____ leaves on plant with different shapes

  10. _____ leaves minimize overlapping one another

  11. _____ flowers follow movement of sun

  12. _____ plant response to the dark

  13. _____ leaf arrangement on a plant

  14. _____ branched, tree-like form

Short Answer

  1. List 4 characteristics of an etiolated plant.


  2. In what way(s) is a plant like a building?

  3. In what way(s) are non-motile animals (such as coral) like a plant?

  4. In what way(s) can plants be considered to forage for food?

  5. What is the difference between a physical and biological danger?  Give an example of each.


Structures for Photosynthesis:

  1. Explain why leaves are broad AND thin?
  1. Offer two explanations why cell walls evolved.



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Last updated:  09/09/2008 � Copyright  by SG Saupe