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Human Reproduction
I. Female anatomy/physiology
A. Female form & function -
"eyeglass gal"
B. Ovary - the key organ of reproduction. The ovary has two main
1. Egg (oocyte) production
Ovum is another term for egg. The ovum develops in a follicle. The follicle is lined with special cells (granulosa cells). All the ova that a female will ever possess are present at birth (i.e., they are as old as she is). In fact, the maximum number is achieved before birth and continues to decrease through her lifetime (Table 1).
Table 1. Human Oocyte Production � data from a seminar presented by Dr. R Korfman | |
Time | Oocyte Number |
8 weeks prior to birth | 6-7 million |
birth | 600,000 |
puberty | 300,000 |
menopause | few |
Each month following puberty, one follicle enlarges and releases an egg (ovulation). The egg is swept into the oviduct by finger-like extensions. When the follicle collapses it becomes the corpus luteum.
2. Hormone production
The ovary produces progesterone and estrogen.
C. Oogenesis - egg production
Diploid cells (oogonium) in the ovary begin meiosis. Oogonia
divide mitotically to produce primary oocytes. These begin meiosis but
stop in prophase of the first meiotic division. Once a month a primary oocyte in the follicle
enlarges and continues the meiotic
process. During this process, the first meiotic division is completed,
which produces a secondary oocyte
and polar body (which disintegrates). The secondary oocyte is released from
the ovary on ovulation but doesn't complete the second meiotic division until
stimulated by fertilization.
D. Menstrual Cycle
On average the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days (some longer, some
shorter). In a perfect 28-day cycle, Day 1 is the first day of bleeding; Day 14 is
ovulation. The cycle can be divided into two phases:
E. Hormonal Control
There is a complex regulatory control over the cycle. Involves various
hormones and body parts. The basic scheme is:
Brain (hypothalamus) → gonadotropal releasing hormone (GnRH) → anterior pituitary → follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) → ovary → stimulates growth of a follicle → which produces estrogen → estrogen levels increase (days 1 14) → estrogen on day 14 causes "feedback" to the anterior pituitary stimulating a large production of LH ("LH surge"; by the way, ovulation prediction kits test for LH) → LH surge stimulates ovulation → follicle collapses, becomes corpus luteum → corpus luteum produces progesterone → shuts off hypothalamus → no FSH or LH production by anterior pituitary → no developing follicles/ova during the luteal phase (waiting to see if there is a 'bun in the oven') → if no pregnancy by day 28 corpus luteum disintegrates → no progesterone → hypothalamus turns on → FSH/LH production →cycle repeats.
F. Uterine Changes
Estrogen stimulates growth of new cells in the endometrium
(lining) during days 1 - 14 of the cycle. As a result, the first half of
the cycle can also be considered the Proliferative phase. Progesterone stimulates glands in lining to
secrete mucous and other materials and is required for the maintenance of the
This is the Secretory Phase; Day 14 → 28. Thus, estrogen is
like a "fertilizer" and progesterone is like a "stabilizer"
to maintain the lining.
G. If No Pregnancy
If there is no pregnancy, by day 28 the corpus luteum
disintegrates, progesterone production stops, the lining flows off (menstruation).
H. If Pregnancy Occurs
The egg is viable for about 24 hours. It moves into the oviduct where
fertilization occurs (about day 14). From day 14 to day 21 the zygote/embryo travels
to the uterus where it implants (day 21). The zygote cells divide during the travels and
form a blastula. The chorion (part of the embryo) produces chorionic gonadotropin
that stimulates the corpus luteum to continue to produce hormones to maintain the uterine
lining that must persist throughout pregnancy. Eventually
the corpus luteum stops producing progesterone, etc. - but fortunately, the hormones are supplemented by
those produced by the placenta.
Note: (1) continued progesterone production by the corpus luteum or placenta means that there will be no FSH or LH → no ovulation → no further eggs will be released until the "one in the oven if done"; and (2) hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is the marker used in pregnancy test kits.
I. Puberty
Sexual maturity is initiated when the level of melatonin,
produced by the pineal gland, drops. Melatonin inhibits the hypothalamus from producing GnRH. Thus,
until the levels decline, there can be no ovulation.
J. Menopause
The ovaries stop responding to FSH and LH = no estrogen → no ovulation
→ no periods
II. Male anatomy/physiology
A. Testis - key organ of reproduction in males. The testes have two main functions:
1. Sperm production
Requires low temperature, therefore a scrotal sac. Warm temperatures results in decreased and abnormal sperm production (consider boxers vs. briefs). Occurs in the seminiferous tubules (another example of the importance of S/V ratios). Sperm production is a continuous process once puberty is reached. FSH stimulates spermatogenesis. FSH acts on Sertoli cells provide nourishment and chemical signals to the sperm - sperm nursemaids. The Sertoli cells that produce androgen binding protein that binds testosterone to keep it in the testis.2. Hormone production
Produces testosterone. Produced by interstitial cells (Leydig cells) in the testes. LH stimulates testosterone production.
B. Spermatogenesis
Spermatogonial cell (2n) divides mitotically to produce lots
of primary spermatocytes (2n) which can undergo meiosis I to produce secondary
spermatocytes (n). These complete meiosis II to form spermatids
which look nothing like mature sperm. They require a maturation period
during which they take on the final form of the sperm. The production of
sperm is something like a factory conveyor belt system. As the cells
proceed through meiosis and maturation they are ultimately released into the
duct in the seminiferous tubules
B. Hormonal regulation
hypothalamus → GnRH → pituitary gland → FSH and LH (also called Interstitial Cell Stimulating Hormone, ICSH) → the LH stimulates interstitial cells to produce testosterone → the testosterone and FSH (working via the Sertoli cells) in combination stimulate spermatogonial cells to produce sperm. Sperm production is constant following puberty. It is not cyclic as in females.
C. Other structures of the male reproductive tract
III. Fertilization
As stated above, fertilization occurs on about day 14. Of the many
sperms released (in a typical male, there are 100 million sperm mL-1
x 3 mL semen = 300 million sperm per ejaculation. As an aside, if there
are less than 20 million sperm mL-1 a male is considered to be
functionally sterile), relatively few sperm ever make it to the egg. Reasons for the
failure of sperm to make it to the egg include:
The sperm require contact with the female reproductive tract to become "capacitated" capable of fertilizing the egg. Once at the egg, the sperm race to be the first to enter. They release digestive enzymes from the acrosome (pointed head region) to begin digesting the outer covering. The entry of a sperm stimulates the formation of the zona pellucida, a shell-like structure, around the egg. This prevents any additional sperm from penetrating. As the fertilized egg moves toward the uterus for implantation, cilia along the way release enzymes to digest the zona pellucida. If the zona pellucida is still intact, the embryo can't implant in the uterus. As a side note this can be a minor problem for in vitro fertilization the zona must be removed before the fertilized egg is reimplanted in the mother.
IV. Preventing Fertilization
A. Natural Family Planning
Determine time of ovulation and plan intercourse accordingly (remember
that safe/fertile periods must account for egg (24 h) and sperm (24-48 h) viability and
irregularities of the cycle. To determine the time of ovulation a woman can:
B. Barrier Methods
These methods provide a barrier that prevents the sperm from leaving
the vagina and entering the uterus. These include condom, foam, diaphragm, cervical cap
(like a smaller more permanent diaphragm), sponge, suppository; all can be used +/-
spermicide. Each
method has its advantages and disadvantages. One additional benefit of the condom is
that is reduces the spread of sexually-transmitted diseases.
C. Hormonal Methods
These methods supply hormones, usually progesterone or analog that
disrupts the normal menstrual by "tricking the body into thinking it is
These include:
D. Douche
cleanse sperm from vagina; very low success rate
E. Intra-uterine device
No longer popular because it can cause pelvic inflammatory disease.
Camel herders knew that a stone in the uterus of a camel would prevent her from becoming
pregnant (how did they figure that out?). Anyway, presumably these uterine
implants irritate the lining of the uterus and prevent fertilized egg implantation.
F. Sterilization Methods
Vasectomy and tubal ligation.
G. Withdrawal
Coitus interruptus; very low success rate
H. Ru486
The "morning after pill". Blocks progesterone
uterine lining and implanted egg sloughs off.
V. Preventing Contraception the future?
A. Anti-pregnancy vaccine
Tested in chimps/baboons. Stimulates production of antibodies against
hCG, which is required to maintain the uterine lining. Therefore, no hCG, no corpus
luteum, no lining maintained, no pregnancy.
B. Male Birth Control Pill
C. Immunotherapy against GnRH - this would prevent FSH & LH production and hence sperm formation.
D. Note there is currently interest in developing male contraceptives but, in general, there are comparatively few for males, possibly because: (1) the physiology of reproduction; female reproduction is designed to be turned on/off; (2) gender bias of scientists; and (3) must turn off millions of sperm vs. one egg.
VI. Reproductive Technologies (improving fertility)
VII. Miracle
of Life
Check out the excellent video, Nova - Miracle of Life, available
in the library. It includes remarkable footage of the entire reproductive process from
start (intercourse) to finish (baby).
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Last updated: April 16, 2009 � Copyright by SG Saupe