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Plant Physiology (Biology 327) - Dr. Stephen G. Saupe; College of St. Benedict/ St. John's University; Biology Department; Collegeville, MN 56321; (320) 363 - 2782; (320) 363 - 3202, fax; ssaupe@csbsju.edu |
I. General
II. Chemistry
III. Biosynthesis
A. Site - young leaves, roots, and developing seeds (developing endosperm) and fruits.
B. Pathway
C. GA synthesis inhibitors
IV. Bioassays/Analysis
A. Three common bioassays used for gibberellin are:
B. Instrumental methods � now the method of choice, especially GC-MS
V. Transport
VI. Disposal/Regulation of endogenous levels
VII. Actions
A. Promotes stem elongation
When applied to intact plants, GA usually causes an increase,
unlike auxin. It overcomes dwarfism in mutants that have a mutation in the GA
synthesis pathway. dwarf = short; wild type = tall; dwarf + GA = tall. Thus, GA
application: (1) stimulates elongation; and (2) acts on intact plants.
GA stimulates stem elongation by:
B. Overcomes dormancy in seeds and buds
Treating dormant seeds with GA stimulates germination (see
C. Involved in parthenocarpic fruit development - remember lab
D. Flowering
Recall the
hormone exercise
we did? To summarize: LD = tall (bolts); SD = short; SD + GA = tall. Thus, GA
stimulates bolting in Long Day plants and can substitute for long days or cold
treatments that are necessary for flowering.
E. Mobilization of food reserves in grass seed
GA is produced by the scutellum (cotyledon) of the embryo
stimulates the production of amylase by the aleurone layer
amylase hydrolyzes starch to simple sugars
absorbed by scutellum and translocated to embryo for growth.
The production of amylase occurs de novo. That is, gibberellin stimulates transcription. In short: GA → binds to membrane receptor → interacts with a protein complex (heterotrimeric G protein) that → activates a GA signaling intermediate → turns off a repressor → transcription of GA-MYB mRNA → translated in cytosol to make GA-MYB protein → returns to nucleus to bind to alpha-amylase gene promoter region → activates transcription of alpha-amylase mRNA → translated in ribosomes on RER → transported to golgi → secretory vesicles release alpha-amylase. This last step is apparently regulated by a calcium dependent mechanism that was also activated by the heterotrimeric G protein complex.
Brewers take advantage of GA's ability to stimulate germination and enzymes which are important in the brewing process.
F. Juvenility
Plants exist in a juvenile and adult form. As in humans, the
main difference is whether the plants are able to flower (reproduce). In some
plants there is little morphological difference between juvenile and adult
forms, whereas in others, the two forms are very distinct. For example, in
beans, the first (juvenile) leaves are entire (heart-shaped) while the adult
leaves are trifoliate. Lancewood is a New Zealand plant that has very
distinctive juvenile and adult forms. In fact, they are so different that
botanists originally mistook the two forms for different species. The juvenile
form is unbranched with long (ca. 12 in) linear, drooping leaves that
look a little like the ribs of a folded umbrella. When the plant reaches about
15 foot it switches to the adult form which is branched and has smaller, ovate
leaves. It has been suggested that this is a modification to prevent predation
by moa, a large, formerly common but now extinct bird.
Gibberellin stimulates the transition between the juvenile and adult forms. In ivy, the adult form (unlobed leaves, shorter internodes) is converted to the juvenile form (lobed leaves, longer internodes) by GA treatment.
G. Sex expression
In plants with separate male and female flowers, GA
application can determine sex. For example, in cucumber, hemp and spinach, GA
treatment increases the proportion of male flowers. In maize, GA treatment
causes female flower development.
IX. Commercial Applications
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