SC4. Structure in Chemistry
SC4. Simple Organic Enantiomers: R and S configurations
Stereochemistry is most important to us because of the role it plays in biology. Biological compounds usually belong to a class of compounds called organic compounds, originally meaning compounds that come from organisms. More generally, organic compounds contain carbon. because carbon is usually a tetrahedral atom, there is great potential for enantiomers in organic compounds, including biological ones.
The compound shown below contains a carbon connected to a hydrogen, a bromine, a chlorine and a fluorine. A tetrahedral atom connected to four different things is called a chiral center; it is a place where two different arrangements are possible.
Figure SC4.1. A pair of simple organic enantiomers.
This is not likely to be a naturally-occurring compound, although some marine organisms do make organic compounds containing bromine and chlorine. However, compounds similar to this one are sometimes used as general anaesthetics for surgical purposes. It is used as an example here because the chiral center is easy to see.
Figure SC4.2. Ball-and-stick model of (R)-bromochlorofluoromethane.
Go to Animation SC4.1. A three-dimensional model of (R)-bromochlorofluoromethane.
Figure SC4.3. Ball-and-stick model of (S)-bromochlorofluoromethane..
Go to Animation SC4.2. A three-dimensional model of (S)-bromochlorofluoromethane.
Rules for assigning R & S configuration:
Find the chiral center(s).
Compare the four atoms attached to the chiral center. What are their atomic numbers from highest to lowest?
The highest atomic number has first priority; the second highest has second priority and so on.
Turn the molecule so that the group with the lowest priority is away from you.
Look at the three other groups. If they proceed in a clockwise direction from highest to second to third highest priority; the chiral center has the R configuration.
If they proceed in a counterclockwise direction from highest to second to third highest priority; the chiral center has the S configuration.
Note: If two atoms connected to the chiral center have the same atomic number, you have to use a tie-breaker to decide which one gets higher priority. The tie-breaking rules are described on the next page; basically, you look at the next atoms attached to the ones that are the same.
Problem SC4.1. Explain the reasons for the assignment of configurations R and S in the models above. Assume red is bromine, bright green is chlorine and pale green is fluorine.
Problem SC4.2. Which of the following compounds have enantiomers? If they exist, draw them.
Problem SC4.3.
Circle the stereocentres in the following compounds.
Problem SC4.4.
Select the group with highest priority in each pair.
a) Cl or H b) Br or I
c) Br or F d) OH or Cl
e) F or CH3 f) CH2CH3 or OH
g) OH or OCH3 h) NH2 or CH2CH2Br
i) C(CH3)3 or CH2CH2Cl j) CH(CH3)2 or CH2OCH3
Problem SC4.5.
Assign configuration of the stereocentres (R or S) in the following compounds.
Problem SC4.6.
Assign configurations (R or S) to the chiral centres in these molecules.
Problem SC4.7.
Assign configurations (R or S) to the chiral centres in these molecules.
Sometimes, it is difficult to imagine turning the molecule around so that the lowest-priority substituent is pointing away from you. Students frequently encounter this problem when dealing with cyclic systems or rings, although it happens in other cases, too. To help solve the relationship, take your thumb and first two fingers and hold them perpendicular to each other. Imagine your wrist is position four. Start with your middle finger pointing in the direction of position 1, your first finger in the direction of position 2, and your thumb in position 3. If you can do all of that using your right hand, the configuration is (R). If you have to use your left hand to make it work, the configuration is (S).
Figure SC4.4. A strategy for assigning configuration in chairs.
Problem SC4.8.
Assign configurations (R or S) to the chiral centres in these molecules.
This site was written by Chris P. Schaller, Ph.D., College of Saint Benedict / Saint John's University (retired) with contributions from other authors as noted. It is freely available for educational use.
Structure & Reactivity in Organic, Biological and Inorganic Chemistry
by Chris Schaller is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
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