Below is a list of some of our radon-related publications . Recent conference presentation
slides can be viewed at Dr. Steck's personal
site. To receive papers and/or data please contact Dr.
Steck via e-mail.
� Field,
R.W. , Steck, D.J., Smith, B.J., Brus, C.P., Neuberger, J.S., Fisher, E.F. Platz, C.E.,
Robinson, R.A., Woolson, R.F., Lynch, C.F.. Residential Radon Gas Exposure and Lung
Cancer: The Iowa Radon Lung Cancer Study. American Journal of Epidemiology. 151(11),
1091-1102; 2000
�D. J. Steck and S.S. Yassin.
"Variation of atmospheric radon and radon progeny in central North America (submitted
to Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry; Sept. 99)
� D. J. Steck and R. W. Field. "The
Iowa radon lung cancer study: contemporary and historical airborne radon (222Rn)
and radon progeny concentrations (submitted to Science of the Total Environment; May 99)
� R.W. Field, D.J. Steck, M.A. Parkhurst,
J.A. Mahaffey, and M.C.R. Alvanja. "Comparison of retrospective radon
detectors". (Environmental Health Perspectives 107(11),901-904; 1999
� D.J.
Steck and R.W. Field. The use of track registration detectors to reconstruct
contemporary and historical airborne radon ( 222Rn) and radon progeny
concentrations for a radon-lung cancer study Radiation Measurements
� D. J. Steck, R. W. Field, and C. F.
Lynch ; Exposure to Atmospheric Radon, Environmental Health
Perspectives ; 107 (2),123-127; 1999
� R.W. Field, C.F. Lynch, D.J. Steck, B.J.
Smith, C.P. Brus, J.S. Neuberger, R.F. Woolson,
E.L. Fisher, C.E. Platz, R.A. Robinson, Iowa radon lung cancer study; Radiat. Res. 151,
101-103; 1999.
� R. W. Field, C. F. Lynch, D. J. Steck, E. L. Fisher; Dosimetry Quality Assurance: Iowa
Residential Radon Lung Cancer Study Radiation Protection Dosimetry 78(4):
� E.L. Fisher, R. W. Field, B. J. Smith,
C. F. Lynch, D. J. Steck, and J. S. Neuberger; Iowa
radon lung cancer study: spatial variation of residential radon concentrations,
Health Physics 75(5):506-513;1998
� R. W. Field, B.J. Smith, C. P. Brus, C. F. Lynch, J. S.
Neuberger, and D. J. Steck ;
Retrospective temporal and spatial mobility of adult Iowa women, Risk Analysis 18(5); 575-584, 1998.
� E.L. Fisher, L.J. Fuortes, J. Ledloter,
D.J. Steck, and R.W. Field; Temporal and spatial variation of waterborne
point-of-use 222 radon in three water distribution systems, Health Physics 74(2):242-248;
� R.W. Field, D.J. Steck, J.S.
Nueberger; Accounting for random
error in radon exposure assessment, Health Physics 73(1):272-273;1997
� R. W. Field, D.J. Steck, C.F. Lynch,
C.P. Brus, J.S. Nueberger, and B.C. Kross; Residential radon-222 exposure and lung
cancer: exposure assessment methodology, Journal of Exposure Analysis and
Environmental Epidemiology 6(2):181-195; 1996
� D.J. Steck, S.A. Baynes and A.P. Noack; Regional and local variation of
indoor radon and radon source potential, Environment International 22(S1)
S729-S737; 1996
� R.S. Lively and D.J. Steck;
Long-term radon concentrations estimated from 210Po embedded in
glass Health Physics 64 (5): 485-490 (1993).
� D.J. Steck; Spatial and temporal
indoor radon variations. Health Physics
62 (4): 351-355 (1992).
� D.J. Steck,; A comparison of
EPA-screening measurements and annual 222Rn concentrations in statewide
surveys. Health Physics 58 (4):523-530
� D.J. Steck; Variation of radon
sources and indoor radon along the southwestern edge of the Canadian Shield. Environment International 15: 271-279
Proceedings (reviewed papers)
� R.W. Field, C.F. Lynch, D.J. Steck, B.J.
Smith, C.P. Brus, J.S. Neuberger, R.F. Woolson,
E.L. Fisher, C.E. Platz, R.A. Robinson,; Iowa radon
lung cancer study American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists,
September 1998 Philadelphia, PA
� R.W. Field, C.F. Lynch, D.J. Steck, B.J.
Smith, C.P. Brus, J.S. Neuberger, R.F. Woolson,
E.L. Fisher, C.E. Platz, R.A. Robinson,; Iowa radon
lung cancer study American Statistical Association Conference on Radiation and
Health, 14-17 June 1998, San Diego, CA
v D.J. Steck and R.W. Field; Outdoor
radon in central North America, SPERA98:Environmental Radioactivity and its
Application in Environmental Studies, Christchurch, New Zealand, 1998
v D.J. Steck, S.A. Baynes and A.P. Noack;
"Regional and local variation of indoor radon and radon source potential", Sixth
International Symposium on the Natural Radiation Environment, NRE -VI, Montreal, Quebec,
Canada 1995.
v D.J. Steck; "Year to year variation
of indoor radon concentrations" Sixth International Symposium on the Natural
Radiation Environment, NRE -VI, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1995.
v D.J. Steck;"Indoor radon
prospecting techniques for homes in glacial till".
6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Indoor Air '93,
Helsinki, Finland, 1993.
v D.J. Steck, R.W. Field, B.C.Kross, and
K.A. Allnutt; "Embedded surface radioactivity, radon, and radon progeny in domestic
atmospheres", 6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Indoor
Air '93, Helsinki, Finland, 1993 Vol 4. 485-490.
v D.J. Steck and M.J. Bergmann;
"Indoor radon and the radon potential of soils ",* 1992 International Symposium on Radon and
Radon Reduction Technology, Minneapolis, MN. 1992.
v D.J. Steck and R.S.
Lively;"Estimating long-term radon concentrations from surface-embedded 210Po",
Air & Waste Management Association, Kansas City, MO
v R.S. Lively and D.J. Steck; "A site
study of soil characteristics and soil gas radon ",* 1991 International Symposium on Radon
and Radon Reduction Technology Philadelphia, PA, 1991.
v R.S. Lively and D.J. Steck;
"Current status as of glass a retrospective radon monitor ",* 1991 International Symposium on Radon and Radon
Reduction Technology Philadelphia, PA, 1991.
v D.J. Steck R.S. Lively and E.P. Ney;
"Epidemiological implications of spatial and temporal radon variations ",
*Indoor Radon and Lung Cancer: Reality or Myth; Hanford Symposium on Health and the
Environment, Richland, WA, 1990 889-904.
v R.S. Lively , D.J. Steck and E.P. Ney;
"Glass as a long-term radon monitor-calibration and measurement", Air & Waste Management Association Conference,
Pittsburgh, PA, 1990.
v R.S. Lively , E.P. Ney and D.J. Steck;
"Radon levels estimated from 210Pb on glass for exposures as long as
several decades",* Department
of Energy Technical Exchange Meeting In Assessing Indoor Radon Health Research,
Grand Junction, CO, 1989.
v D.J.
Steck; "Radon and lung cancer in Minnesota."* Department of Energy Technical Exchange
Meeting on Assessing Indoor Radon Health Research, Grand Junction, CO, 1989.
v D.J.
Steck; "Statewide radon surveys: screening
versus long-term measurements."* In: Proceedings of the EPA Symposium on Radon and
Radon Reduction Technique, Denver, CO, 1988.
v D.J.
Steck; "Geological variation of radon sources and indoor radon along the southwestern
edge of the Canadian Shield." In: Proceedings of the Georad Conference: Geologic Causes of National Radionuclide
Anomalies. Missouri DN R Special Publication
#4, St. Louis, Missouri, 1987. p. 17.
v D.J.
Steck; "Geological variation of radon sources and indoor radon along the southwestern
edge of the Canadian Shield." 4th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and
Climate, Berlin FRG, 1987.
v D.J.
Steck; "Indoor radon and radon sources along the southwestern edge of the Canadian
Shield." In: Indoor Radon, Air Pollution Control Association,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1986. p. 195.
v D.J.
Steck; "Radon levels in Central Minnesota."
In: Proceedings of the
Eighteenth Midyear Topical Symposium of the Health Physics Society, Colorado Springs,
Colorado, 1985. p. 443.
* Available through
National Technological Information Services, Springfield, VA.
Questions/Comments, e-mail: Dr. Steck
Last revised : 30 June, 2004
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