Fantastic Plastic's
Declaration-Class Enterprise


Neck & Body Parts | All Parts

Stated scale:


Actual scale:


IMG_4193.jpg (642919 bytes)


Overall length:




Number of parts:


Stand included?


Decals included?


My Source:

Fantastic Plastic

Cost (w/o s&h):

US$ 110

11/9/2009 - Removed the "tambourine skin" resin stub from the spinner rings.

Spinner rings??

In my Trek franchise timeline, the Declaration class is the last-of-the-line in the DY series of spaceships, the DY-1200, which had a wormhole "spinner" warp system - the two large rings - that was finally surpassed in performance & cost-effectiveness by the Cochrane magnatomic warp system. Somehow, the Vulcans did their spinners better. Or maybe they just stubbornly stuck with what worked.

12/8/2009 - Clean-up and parts puttying continues. The head, neck, and body pylon all had pretty serious mold line mismatches that needed puttying to hide. The rings had a rim of excess resin that had to be removed - used a Dremel sanding drum for the rough work and then file / sandpaper and putty.

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2/3/2010 - Work has continued off and on. I superglued the head to the neck and puttied around that seam. The mold line mismatches on the big pylon ran right through some detail. Once puttied and sanded, that detail was gone. So I replaced it with some scribed styrene sheet.

There was also a big bubble top and center on one of the drive rings that obliterated some detail, so I'm pulling a mold (RTV putty) off the ring with the good detail. A resin casting will be made to replace the bubbled-out detail.

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Started cleaning up the engine pieces - yeesh! More bubbled-out detail and more mismatched mold lines across detail. Kit rating lowered to 3 out of 5. Also assembled the hangar bay "sidecar."