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Plant Taxonomy (BIOL308) - Stephen G. Saupe, Ph.D.; Biology Department, College of St. Benedict/St. John's University, Collegeville, MN 56321; ssaupe@csbsju.edu; http://www.employees.csbsju.edu/ssaupe/ |
Exam #1 - Review Sheet - Fall '08
General: The exam will be a mixture of mostly objective questions that are similar to the quizzes that were distributed in class. I have posted on-line a series of sample exam questions that show the range of question styles that you may find on the exam.
Essentially anything that we covered in class if "fair game" for the exam. This includes the field trip(s) during which we discussed assorted vegetative features, etc. However, as a general rule, the exam will not include any plant identifications, etc. from lab. In general, the review questions at the end of each chapter in the text are excellent and applicable to our studies and could be included on the exam.
Notebook: I will also collect your lab/field notebook on the day of the exam. Recall that your notebook should be a 3-ring binder dedicated to this course with a title page (Plant Taxonomy � Biology 308 Field & Laboratory Notebook, your name, address, phone) and dividers for three sections (Plant Collection; Lab Identifications; Assignments/Quizzes). In the plant collection section insert, in order: Plant Collection Information handout, Plant Collection Grading Worksheet, a copy of the Herbarium Label template, a folded packet, and Field Record Forms for a each of the plants (minimum ten) that you�ve collected. In the Assignment/Quiz section of your notebook you should include: Intro quiz, Vegetative Terminology Quiz, Nomenclature quiz (but it doesn't need to be completed), Poison ivy naming Exercise, and Reproductive Terminology Quiz (completed).
Introduction: Text - Chapter 1; online lecture notes; PowerPoint in the Public Folder. Exam questions will be similar, though not necessarily limited to, those in the Introduction Study Guide and the Introductory Quiz. Questions at the end of Chapter 1 in the text.
Nomenclature: Text - Chapter 16 (and questions at end exc38, 43-45); online lecture notes; PowerPoint in the Public Folder. Exam questions will be similar, though not limited to, those on the mustard, sunflower, water lily handouts and the UI exercises and the Quiz Questions.
Plant Identification (keys): Text chapter 15 (and questions at end of chapter); my online lecture notes; PowerPoint in the Public Folder. Exam questions will be similar, though not limited to, those in the online Study Guide.
Vegetative Terminology: Text - Chapter 9, pp 348 - 361 (and questions 1-30 at end of chapter, exc 12, 15, 16,21, 23, 26, 27); online lecture notes; PowerPoint in the Public Folder. Know the terms that are boldfaced in my online lecture notes. Exam questions will be similar, though not limited to, those in the Vegetative Terminology quiz in the public folder. Check out the nifty leaf tutorial from G Burrows, Charles Sturt Herbarium (Australia).
Reproductive Terminology: Text, Chapter 9, pp 363-389 (and questions 31-79 at end of chapter exc 36, 37, 40, 42, 43, 44, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 54-7, 65, 73, 77, 91); my online lecture notes on floral structure, floral modifications; Gould - "Panda's Thumb" (in public folder). Know the terms that are boldfaced in my lecture notes. The overheads on stamen and carpel evolution are posted in the Public Folder. Exam questions will be similar, though not limited to, the Floral terminology quiz in the Public Folder. If given a flower or diagram be able to answer questions such as those on the Floral Morphology Worksheet. Be able to read/write floral formula's (but don't memorize them). Check out the nifty gynoecium tutorial from G Burrows, Charles Sturt Herbarium (Australia).
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Last updated:
09/29/2008 / � Copyright by SG