![]() |
Plant Physiology (Biology 327) - Dr. Stephen G. Saupe; College of St. Benedict/ St. John's University; Biology Department; Collegeville, MN 56321; (320) 363 - 2782; (320) 363 - 3202, fax; ssaupe@csbsju.edu |
Tree Assignments - Climate Lab
Table 4. Characteristics of leaves of deciduous woody plants in Central Minnesota - if your name doesn't appear, please contact me for an assignment | |||
Species | |||
1 |
Acer negundo � Box elder |
Patton | |
2 |
Acer platanoides � Norway maple |
3 |
Acer rubrum � Red maple |
4 |
Acer saccharinum � Silver maple |
5 |
Acer saccharum � Sugar maple |
6 |
Acer ginnala � Amur maple |
7 |
Aesculus glabra � Buckeye |
Joey | |
8 |
Alnus incana � Speckled alder |
9 |
Amalanchier canadensis � Serviceberry |
10 |
Amorpha canescens � Lead plant |
11 |
Aronia melanocarpa � Black chokeberry |
12 |
Berberis thunbergii � Japanese barberry |
13 |
Berberis vulgaris � Common barberry |
Erik | |
14 | Betula alleghaniensis (=B. lutea) � Yellow birch | ||
15 |
Betula nigra � River birch |
16 |
Betula papyrifera � White or paper birch |
17 |
Carpinus caroliniana � Blue beech |
18 |
Catalpa speciosa � Common catalpa |
19 |
Celastrus scandens � Bittersweet |
Joy | |
20 |
Celtis occidentalis � Hackberry |
21 |
Cornus alternifolia � Pagoda dogwood |
22 |
Cornus foemina � Gray dogwood |
23 |
Cornus rugosa � Round-leaved dogwood |
24 |
Cornus stolonifera � Red osier dogwood |
25 |
Corylus americana � American hazelnut |
Jeremy | |
26 |
Corylus cornuta � Beaked hazelnut |
27 |
Crataegus sp. � Hawthorne |
28 |
Diervilla lonicera � Bush honeysuckle |
29 |
Dirca palustris � Leatherwood; |
30 |
Eleagnus angustifolia � Russian olive |
31 |
Euonymus alatus � Winged euonymus |
Matthew | |
32 |
Fraxinus americana � White ash |
33 |
Fraxinus nigra � Black ash |
34 |
Fraxinus pennsylvanica � Green ash |
35 |
Gleditsia triacanthos � Honey locust |
36 |
Gymnocladus dioica � Kentucky coffee tree |
37 |
Ilex verticillata � Winterberry |
Luke | |
38 |
Juglans cinerea � Butternut |
39 |
Juglans nigra � Black walnut |
40 |
Lonicera tartarica � Honeysuckle |
41 |
Ostrya virginiana � Ironwood, Hophornbeam |
42 |
Phellodendron amurense � Amur cork tree, Cork tree |
43 |
Physocarpus opulifolius � Ninebark |
Tameka | |
44 |
Populus nigra cv. italica � Lombardy poplar |
45 |
Populus alba � White or silver poplar |
46 |
Populus balsamifera � Balsam popular |
47 |
Populus deltoides � Cottonwood |
48 |
Populus grandidentata � Large toothed aspen |
49 |
Populus tremuloides � Quaking aspen |
Elizabeth | |
50 |
Potentilla fruticosa � Cinquefoil |
51 |
Prunus americana � Wild plum |
52 |
Prunus pensylvanica � Pin cherry |
53 |
Prunus serotina � Black cherry |
54 |
Prunus virginiana � Chokecherry |
55 |
Pyrus malus � Apple |
Trey | |
56 |
Quercus alba � White oak |
57 |
Quercus bicolor � Swamp white oak |
58 |
Quercus ellipsoidalis � Northern pin oak |
59 |
Quercus macrocarpa � Bur oak |
60 |
Quercus rubra (= Q. borealis) � Northern red oak |
61 |
Rhamnus cathartica � European Buckthorn |
Daniel | |
62 |
Rhus glabra � Smooth sumac |
63 |
Rhus typhina � Staghorn sumac |
64 |
Ribes cynobasti � Prickly gooseberry |
65 |
Ribes lacustre � Swamp currant |
66 |
Salix discolor � Pussy willow |
67 |
Salix exigua � Sandbar willow |
Nate | |
68 |
Salix nigra � Black willow |
69 |
Sambucus canadensis � Common elderberry |
70 |
Sambucus pubens � Red elder |
71 |
Sorbaria sorbifolia � False spiraea |
72 |
Sorbus aucuparia � Mountain ash |
73 |
Spiraea alba � Meadowsweet |
Jim | |
74 |
Symphoricarpos albus - Snowberry |
75 |
Symphoricarpos occidentalis � Wolfberry |
76 |
Syringa reticulata � Japanese tree lilac |
77 |
Syringa vulgaris � Common lilac |
78 |
Tilia americana � Basswood, Linden |
79 |
Ulmus americana � American elm |
Steve | |
80 |
Ulmus pumila � Chinese elm |
81 |
Ulmus rubra � Slippery elm |
82 |
Viburnum lentago � Nannyberry |
83 |
Viburnum rafinesquianum - Arrowwood |
84 |
Viburnum trilobum � High-bush cranberry |
85 |
Zanthoxylum americanum � Prickly ash |
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