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Ball and stick: Look at the red carbon which is representative of any of the carbon atoms. What is its geometry?

Unit cell: What kind of unit cell is shown? What types of holes do the green carbon atoms occupy?

Cyclohexane - one 6-membered ring

Trans-decalin - two fused cyclohexanes with Hs (white) on Cs connecting rings trans

Cis-decalin - two fused cyclohexanes with with Hs (white) on Cs connecting rings cis

Adamantane - three fused cyclohexanes

Unit cell with chairs/adamantane: The unit cell again. Corner atoms are red, face atoms are orange, and Cs in tetrahedral holes are green. The unit cell is outlined in red. Three chairs of Cs, representing adamantane (see above) are shown in black.

Methylcyclohexane (equatorial): 5 atom interactions, 0 kcal/mol (one example of 5 atom interactions in yellow and white)

Methylcyclohexane (axial): 6 atom interactions (yellow and white); 1 kcal each

Cis-1,2-dimethylcyclohexane (1 ax, 1 eq): 6 atom interactions (yellow and white); 1 kcal each

t-butylcyclohexane (axial): 7 atom interactions each, 3 kcal/mol each (show "overlapping" H atoms in large red spheres; 6 atom interactions not shown)

t-butylcyclohexane (axial): 7 atom interactions each, 3 kcal/mol each (show H atoms in large red spheres; 6 atom interactions yellow and white.