Texts and Materials
January | February
March | April
Analytical Writing
Fr. Mark Information

"Ethics" by
seminar member,
John Mathews:
We bind ourselves with ethical systems,
but we also have the key if
these systems prove inadequate."
Great Poets
and the Moral Imagination
Spring 2002
The Shawshank Redemption
CORE 390
Great Poets &
The Moral Imagination
Mon 6:00-9:00 pm Quad 261
Fr. Mark's Office Quad 257C
Office Hours 10-11 a.m.
Days 1-3-5 |
Seminar Members Welcome!
Bancks, Nicholas |
Bartholomew, Brent |
Blaseg, Jonathan |
Ehrenberg, Thomas |
Francl, Ember |
Frandson, Mary |
Haehn, Leah |
Higgins, Zachary |
Jacobson, Katie |
Johnson, Holly |
Kutter, Ryan |
Lally, Kevin |
Lindemeier, Sarah |
Mathews, John |
McEwen, Christine |
Morrissette, Steven |
Nagle, Mark |
Pawlowski, Nicholas |
Richels, Lindsey |
Stunek, Kelly |
Young, Kathleen |
In dark times will there also be singing?
Yes, there will be singing.
About the dark times.
-- Berthold Brecht
E-mail : Bancks, Nicholas A; Bartholomew, Brent; Blaseg, Jonathan J;
Ehrenberg, Thomas J; Francl, Ember R; Frandson, Mary E; Haehn, Leah C; Higgins, Zachary J;
Jacobson, Katie L; Johnson, Holly L; Kutter, Ryan P; Lally, Kevin T; Lindemeier, Sarah B;
Mathews, John; McEwen, Christine M; Morrissette, Steven M; Nagle, Mark V; Pawlowski,
Nicholas J; Richels, Lindsey L; Stunek, Kelly A; Young, Kathleen L