Why Learn German?


Bild Gesellschaft

Speaking German will enable you to communicate with over 100 million people worldwide

German is the official language in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg. One quarter of Europeans speak German and German ranks among the top 10 most frequently spoken languages in the world.   More...


Bild Medien

Enhance your employment opportunities in the global economy

Germany has the largest economy in the European Union and the third largest in the world. It is the world’s leading exporter and importer.   More...


Get to know one of the great European cultures

German is a leading language of science, literature, philosophy, theology, history, music, film and art. Becoming acquainted with artists, composers, scientists, great thinkers and their contributions is very rewarding if done in their language.   More...


Have a chance to study or research in Germany

The German education system has a long tradition (the oldest German university, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität in Heidelberg, was founded in 1386) and a good international reputation. Foreigners like coming to Germany to study.   More...


Travel in Germany and other German-speaking countries

Millions of foreign tourists visit German-speaking countries every year. They want to see and experience King Ludwig’s castles in Bavaria, the Austrian and Swiss Alps, German beer at the Oktoberfest or the stunning Rhine river.   More...


Surf the internet

Of course, the internet speaks English - but German ranks as the second most frequently used language on the internet. According to “Netz-Tipp-Studie”, 56.4% of web pages were in English, in the second place were 7.7% web pages in German.   More...


Bild Unterricht

And to encourage you to start learning German

please keep in mind that German is as easy to learn as any other language. You already know much more German vocabulary than you think: Professor, Kindergarten, Angst, etc.   More...


Bild UnterrichtKnowledge of German improves your chances of employment. German companies abroad and foreign companies in Germany seek experts with a knowledge of German. Staff in international companies also enjoy an advantage if they know German. In the European Union there are interesting training, study and employment opportunities for specialists with this knowledge.
The enlargement of the EU continues to open up markets in Central and Eastern Europe for personnel who know German. Anyone who speaks German has much better prospects for a great career.

Professionals who know other languages are called on to travel and exchange information with people in other countries throughout their careers. Knowing more than one language enhances employment opportunities in government, business, law, medicine and health care, teaching, technology, the military, communications, social service, and marketing.

An employer will see you as a bridge to customers if you know a second language. You are also more likely to win the trust and friendship of people whose languages you know even if you don’t speak it fluently.

why study german?