Application Form
Vienna - Salzburg - Munich 

February 24 to March 3, 2007

Application Form
Due by November 15, 200
 An early application can count in your favor

This form will take you about 10-15 minutes to fill out.  Give it a try -- you have nothing to lose! 

Last Name, First Name        

E-mail address   

Campus Phone     Best time to call    

Campus Address  

What are your possible major(s) and minor(s)? 

Are you a first-year student?  If not, please explain 

Have you been abroad before?  Where and how long?

Where or how did you hear about this program?

You are aware of the $100 deposit about January 15?        

How strongly do you want to do this (from 1-10, ten being strongest desire)?

Why do you want to participate in this seminar?  (about 50 words, please): 


Describe your personal qualifications for this program and
what you would be able to contribute to the group (about 50-100 words, please):

 What hesitations might you have about going?   

Other students you would like to recommend for this Vienna-Salzburg-Munich  program and their email  address if you have it handy:


This form is due as soon as possible so that we can get good arrangements on the airline and in hotels.
If there are many applicants, you may be asked to provide a couple letters of recommendation
Applicants will be told whether they are part of the program soon after applying.

Applications due ASAP.
__ Applications due November 15.  It is to your advantage in the selection process if you apply early! 
__ Deposit of $200 due January 15, 2007.  You have nothing to lose!

Make sure your application is complete before clicking submit.    
Thank you.  Be ready for the experience of a lifetime!

Fr. Mark's e-mail  


Note: You have all been parts of groups which have �clicked,� and I am sure this summer experience will be like that for you.  The following items are those qualities which make a trip especially rewarding and enjoyable.   You each have your own unique contributions, and that is also part of the wonder of making new friends while traveling.  We�re on our way!

The Vienna - Salzburg - Munich Experience

1.  Good Health -- Eating well, getting enough sleep, drinking lots of water, exercise when possible, watching alcohol intake, encouraging others to be healthy.

2.  Upbeat Attitude --  Noticing my need for down time and rest, adding to the positive atmosphere of the group, having a philosophical shrug-of-the-shoulders attitude about plane delays, unforeseen change of plans, lost passports or money, waiting in lines.  Supporting others who need a kind word, gently changing the subject to brighter topics if conversation needs it.  Patience and care with someone having a rough time.

3.  Safety �-  Vienna, Salzburg and Munich are large cities.  Going out with at least one other group person especially in the evenings.  Awareness of whom you can call in an emergency.  Keeping wallet and passport and flight tickets well hidden and out of reach (there are sometimes pickpockets). 

4.  Awareness of Others � Awareness of others� need for sleep or quiet in the hotel, the value of whispering and low music if the hotel isn�t  well soundproofed.  Gently challenging other group members who need a reminder or who are not aware of noise.

5.  Positive Participation in Group Activities  -- Punctuality so the group can depart for events on time or even ahead of schedule, readiness to enjoy the seminar activities and participate actively, desire to absorb the culture, art and architecture.    

6.  I am aware of how important it is for me to do my part -- in terms good health, upbeat attitude, safety, awareness of others and positive participation in group activities so that the entire group has a good experience.

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