Arts & Ideas

College of Saint Benedict / Saint John's University
Departing July 13, 2004
Return August 2

Departing May 12, 2004
Return June 2 (Full)



Picture yourself landing in one of Europe's most magnificent capital cities, settling into a student hotel right in the center of the city and taking in the wonders of Italian culture.  Within the first couple days you will explore the splendors of Classical, Rennaissance and Baroque art and architecture -- The Colosseum and the Roman Forum, the Pantheon, Saint Peter's Basilica and the Vatican, the Sistine Chapel, the Spanish Steps, the wonders of Michelangelo's and Caravaggio's greatest works, the Trevi Fountain -- and discuss how art and architectural forms came to be and the political purposes they served.  Picture yourself heading through the beautiful Tuscan countryside to the magical towns of San Gimignano and Sienna, enjoying a taste of small town culture and discussing how art forms from the capital city and Florence made their way into the countryside of Italy.  After exploring the exquisite Tuscan city of Florence, we will break for ten days to allow you to explore Italy and parts of Southern Europe in small groups, further expanding your experience and knowledge of the Rennaissance, Gothic and Baroque cultural movements.  Finally, we will gather for a final three days of seminar in the Bavarian capital of Munich, where we will compare and contrast these art and architectural movements in their manifestations on the other side of the Alps.  Here is our itinerary.  Join us for the trip of your life!

Program Itinerary 2004

July 13    Depart from Minneapolis at about noon.

July 14    Arrive in Rome where we will live for five days

July 19    Travel To Assisi and San Gimignano to Cinque Terre (Monterosso), where we will stay for two days.

July 20    Start of small-group travel in Italy (e.g. Venice, Pisa, Pompeii) or elsewhere in Europe (Interlaken, Salzburg, Vienna, Prague).

July 30    Group gathers in Munich to resume the seminar for three days.

August 2    Flight out of Munich.  Arrive in Minneapolis about 6 P.M. on August 2.



Day by Day

Day 1 -- May/July 12: Depart USA —  Arrive at Minneapolis-Saint Paul airport at  9:30 a.m. sharp.  Depart at 12:55 p.m. with Delta Airlines.  

Day 2 -- Thursday, May/July 13:    Arrival in Rome and Hotel Primavera at about 11 a.m.  Walk to Campo di Fiori and Vatican City.   Group dinner at a wonderful Roman Restaurant at around 9 p.m. and further sightseeing around the Campo di Fiori area.  Your first taste of true Italian gelato!  Here's a map of our hotel's location

Day 3 -- Friday, May/July  14:  -- Walking Tour of Rome and the Vatican

Day 4 -- Saturday, May/July  15:    Day trip to Assissi, the home of Saints Francis and Clare

Day 5 -- Sunday, May/July  16:  —   Walking Tour of Rome -- small group excursions

Day 6 -- Monday, May/July  17:  —   More small group excursions; group dinner in a wonderful Italian restaurant

Day 7 -- Tuesday, May/July  18:  —    Travel from Rome to Sienna, San Gimignano and finally Florence where we will stay at Hotel Stella Mary near the market square.    

Day 8 -- Wednesday, May/July  19: —  Guided tours through the magnificent Uffizi museum and other wonders of Florence. 

Day 9-19 -- Thursday-Sunday,  May/July  20-30:  —  Small-Group independent Travel Here are just a few of the places you can plan to visit together with a few other group members:  The beautiful italian cities of Pisa, Venice, Sorrento and Naples; Switzerland and the Alpine town of Interaken; the wonderful cities of Salzburg, Vienna and Prague; the Romantic castles of Bavaria.  I will be on hand to help you make arrangements.  The books Let's Go Europe and Lonely Planet Europe are excellent resources. 

Day 19 -- Sunday, May/July  30:  —  Arrive in Munich and settle into Hotel Conrad, Schillerstraße 10, near the train station.  A bicycling tour! through the beautiful city center of Munich and through the magnificent Englischer Garten.

Day 20 -- Monday, May/July  31:  —  Seminar and free time for small group explorations.

Day 21 -- Tuesday, June/July  1:  —   Seminar Wrap-Up and free time. 

Day 22 -- Wednesday, June/July  2:  -- Gather for 10:45 A.M. flight out of Munich with Delta Airlines.  Arrival in Minneapolis at 6:36 P.M. the same day.


For your independent travel time, Eurailpass has several options for students, depending on the number of countries you want to visit.  And Eurailpass Youth is a Website for unlimited travel for a specific time period.  Our own International Education Office in Quad 128 can help you order the right Eurailpass for your needs.