
                List at least three possible diagnoses for your patient (make sure your priority diagnosis is on this list)



1.      Anxiety related to job stress as manifested by difficulty sleeping, elevated blood pressure, statement of stress and lack of coping.


2.      Ineffective coping related to inadequate social support as manifested by sleep disturbance, use of alcohol, statements of concern regarding move of two friends


3.      Knowledge deficit (elevated Blood Pressure) related to lack of exposure as manifested by verbalization of inadequate nutrition, increased blood pressure, sedentary life style.


4.      Imbalanced nutrition more than body requirements related to excessive intake in relation to metabolic need as manifested by weight greater than 20% over ideal, sedentary activity level, dysfunctional eating pattern (fast foods).


5.      Disturbed sleep pattern related to daytime activity pattern, diet, anxiety as manifested by use of alcohol to induce sleep, statements of difficulty sleeping.