Learning Goals/Objectives for Chapter 5C: After class and
this reading, students will be able to
- explain the similarities and differences in structure
between myoglobin and hemoglobin in the deoxy and oxy states
- state structural features of Hb that stabilizes the
deoxystate and the oxystate
- draw graphs of fractional saturation Y vs L (or pO2) for Mb
and Hb (at different pHs and in the presence of CO2 for Hb) and
explain their apparent similarities and differences
- draw a thermodynamic cycle for the interactions of O2, CO2
and H+ with deoxy-Hb and oxy-Hb
- explain how Hill Plot analysis can account for cooperative
binding curves for Hb.
- give a simple explanation of the MWC model and draw cartoon
representations of Hb in the T and R state, describing the
characteristics of those states
- given definitions of the MWC parameters (L, KT, KR, c, and
α) and the assumptions of the model, explain how this model
accounts for cooperative sigmoidal binding curves for Hb and
- draw cartoon models and explain differences in lock and key,
induced fit, and conformational selection as mechanisms for
ligand bind.
- Explain biological advantages elicited on ligand binding by
intrinsically disordered proteins
C1. Myoglobin, Hemoglobin, and their Ligands
Almost all biochemistry textbooks start their
description of the biological functions of proteins using the myoglobin and
hemoglobin as exemplars. These are very rational approaches since they
have become model systems to describe the binding of simple ligands,
like dioxygen (O2), CO2, and H+, and how the structure of the protein
determines and is influenced by binding of ligands.
Yet in a way these "ligands" are
dissimilar to perhaps the majority of other proteins which bind small
ligands such as substrates (for enzymes), inhibitors and activators or large
"ligands" such as other proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids.
These type of ligands are reversibly bound through classical intermolecular
forces (IMFs), such as hydrogen bonds, London dispersion forces,
dipole-dipole interactions, and ion-ion interactions. In addition to
these are the less commonly discussed pi-pi (aromatic) interactions and
cation-pi (aromatic) interactions.
YouTube: Less Common Discussed IMFs -
pi-pi, cation-pi
interactions, and halogen bnding
The classic ligands that reversibly bind to
hemoglobin, dioxygen, carbon dioxide, and protons, are bound
covalently. Dioxygen binds to a heme Fe2+, protons obviously
bind to proton acceptors (like His), while CO2 binds covalently as if forms
a carbamate with the N
terminus of one of the hemoglobin chains.
This discrepancy in ligand binding mode can be explained easily for
dioxygen as it forms a coordinate or dative covalent bond with the
transition metal ion Fe+2. In ordinary covalent bonds, each bonded
atom contributes to and shares the two electron in the bond. In
coordinate or dative covalent bonds, the ligand, a Lewis base, contributes
both electrons in the bond. Both electrons are still considered to be
"owned" by the ligand and not by the transition metal ion, a Lewis acid.
Hence the ligand can readily dissociate from the metal ion, much as a ligand
bound through classical IMFs can. This analogy can be extended to
protons which are also Lewis acids (with no contributing electrons) as they
react with Lewis bases (lone pair donors) on atoms such as N on a His side
Mb (a monomer containing 8 α−helices, A-H) and Hb (a heterotetramer with
two α -and two β−subunits, each which also contains 8 α−helices) are both
oxygen binding proteins. Dioxygen is transported from lungs, gills, or skin
of an animal to capillaries, where it can be delivered to respiring tissue.
It has a low solubility in blood (0.1 mM). Whole blood, which contains
150 g Hb/L, can carry up to 10 mM dioxygen. Invertebrate can have
alternative proteins for oxygen binding, including hemocyanin, which
contains Cu and hemerythrin, a non-heme protein. On binding dioxygen,
solutions of Hb change color to bright red. Solutions of hemocyanin
and hemerythrin change to blue and burgundy colored, respectively, on
binding dioxygen. Some Antarctic fish don't require Hb since dioxygen is
more soluble at low temperature. Mb is found in the muscle, and serves
as a storage protein for oxygen transported by Hb. Some information
about the proteins is given below:
- 1st. protein whose molecular weight was determined
- 1st protein to be assigned a specific function - dioxygen transport
- has a prosthetic group (non-amino acid)
heme group (protoporphyrin IX with a ferrous ion) covalently attached to
the protein. The heme group binds dioxygen.
- 1st protein in which a point mutation (single base pair charge)
causes a single amino acid change in the protein, marking the start of
molecular medicine
- 1st protein with high resolution x-ray structure
- theory for dioxygen binding explain control of enzyme activity
- the binding of dioxygen is regulated by
binding of H+, CO2, and bisphosphoglcyerate which bind to sites
(allosteric) distant from oxygen binding site.
- crystals of deoxy-Hb shatter on binding dioxygen, indicating
significant conformational changes on binding.
Heme group:

- The heme group contains protoporphyrin
IX, with four tetrapyrrole rings linked by methene bridges. Attached
to the tetrapyrrole structure are four methyl, two vinyl, and two
proprionate groups. These can be arranged in 15 ways, only one (IX)
occurs in biological systems. Ferrous ion bonded to the protoporphyrin
IX constitutes the heme
- The heme fits into a hydophobic crevice in the proteins with the
proprionate groups exposed to solvent.
- The Fe2+ ion is coordinated to 4 N's on
the 4 pyrrole rings, The 5th ligand is a supplied by proximal His (the
8th amino acid on helix F) of the protein. In the absence of dioxygen,
the 6 ligand is missing. and the geometry of the complex is square
pyramidal with the Fe above the plane of the heme ring. A distal His
(E7) is on the opposite side of the heme ring, but too far to coordinate
with the Fe. When dioxgen binds, it occupies the 6th coordination site
and pulls the Fe into the plane of the ring, leading to octahedral
geometry. CO, NO, and H2S also bind to the 6th site, but with higher
affinity than dioxygen, which can lead to CO poisoning. The distal His
keeps these ligands (including dioxygen) bound in a bent, non-optimal
geometry. This minimizes the chances of CO poisoning.
- When oxygen binds to heme Fe2+, the
geometry of the complex becomes octahedral. The Fe2+ has 6 electrons in
d orbitals. (The electronic configuration of Fe is 3d64s2 while the
Fe2+ ion is 3d6). From crystal field theory (review a general
chemistry text), the ligand electrons pairs (treated as anions) interact
with the d orbital Fe2+ electrons. They interact most strongly (in a
repulsive fashion) with the dz2 and dx2-y2 Fe2+ electrons, which are
oriented at the axial ends and equatorial corners, respectively, of the
octahedral complex. This repulsion raises the energy of these two
orbitals. The other three d orbitals feel less repulsion by the ligand
electrons and are lower in energy. The difference in energy between the
three lower energy levels of d electrons (in t orbitals) and the higher
energy levels of electrons (in g orbitals) allows photons matching that
energy difference to be absorbed as electrons are promoted to the g
orbitals. Ligands that interact strongly with the dz2 and dx2-y2
electrons raise their energy even more, increasing the energy of the
photon required to promote an electron from the t to g orbitals.
Dioxygen is one of those ligands, leading to the absorbance of high
energy photons, causing the solution to appear bright red (since blue
light is absorbed). Because of this strong ligand, the significant
energy gap between the t and g orbitals causes the electrons to reside
mostly in the lower energy t orbitals where they remained paired, giving
the complex a low spin state in which all 6 d electrons are paired.
Hence oxyhemoglobin is diagmagnetic. The heme complex can also exist in
a high spin state in which the electrons are easily excited to the g
orbitals which are closer in energy to the t orbitals when the ligand is
weakly interacting with the Fe2+ electrons. In these cases, the heme is
paramagnetic since unpaired electrons are possible. (We will discuss
paramagnetism latter in the course during our exploration of oxygen
Heme-O2 Octahedral Complex

- When dioxyen binds, the oxidation state of
the Fe2+ ion does not change, even through dioxygen is a great
oxidizing agent. Hence the Fe2+ ion is a reversible carrier of
dioxygen not of electrons. Free heme in solution is oxidized by
dioxygen, forming a complex with water which occupies the 6th position,
with the iron in the Fe3+ state. An intermediate in this process is
the formation of a dimer of 2 hemes linked by 1 dioxygen. This can't
occur readily when the heme is in Hb or Mb. Other heme proteins (like
Cytochrome C) are designed to be carriers of electrons.
- A small amount of the Fe2+ ion gets
oxidized to Fe3+ ion. Mb and Hb in this state are called metHb and
metMb. A enzyme is required to reduced the iron back to the Fe2+
Updated deoxy-heme and carbon
Jmol14 (Java) |
- Mb is extremely compact, and consists of 75% alpha helical
- 8 α−helices are present, labeled A-H.
- 4 alpha helices are terminated by Pro
- The interior amino acids are almost entirely nonpolar. The only
polar amino acids found completely buried are the two His (proximal and
distal) found at the active site of dioxygen binding.
Updated Met-Myoglobin
Jmol14 (Java) |
Difference between Hb and Mb
- Hb is a tetramer of two αand two β subunits held together by IMF's
(an example of quarternary protein structure), and 4 bound hemes, each
of which can bind a dioxygen. In a fetus, two other subunits make up
Hb (two zeta - ζand two epsilion - ε subunits -analogous to the two αand
two β subunits, respectively). This changes in fetuses to two α and
two γ subunits. Fetal Hb has higher affinity
for dioxygen than adult Hb. Mb is a single polypeptide chains which has
higher affinity for dioxygen than Hb.
The α and β chains
are similar to Mb, which is unexpected since only 24 of 141 residues in
the αand β chains of Hb are identical to amino
acids in Mb. This suggests that different sequences can fold to similar
structures. The globin fold of Mb and each chain of Hb is common to
vertebrates and must be nature's design for dioxygen carriers. A
comparison of the sequence of Hb from 60 species show much variability
of amino acids, with only 9 identical amino founds. These must be
important for structure/function. All internal changes are conservative
(e.g. changing a nonpolar for a nonpolar amino acid). Not even Pro's
are conserved, suggesting there are different ways to break helices.
The two active site His are conserved, as is Gly B6 (required for a
reverse turn).

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Model Binding Systems

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