Learning Goals/Objectives for Chapter 8A: After class and
this reading, students will be able to
- explain why oxidation reactions with ground state dioxygen
have a high enough activation energy to make the reactions,
although thermodynamically favored, kinetically slow
- explain, using molecular orbital diagrams the difference
between triplet and singlet dioxygen
- using molecular orbital diagrams and Lewis structures,
describe the chemical properties of the reduction products of
dioxygen (superoxide, peroxide, and water)
- explain the ways that biological systems use to enhance
dioxygen activity and reduce the effects of reactive oxygen
species (ROS) such as superoxide and peroxide
- write chemical reactions and mechanisms when appropriate
for some reactions of triplet and singlet dioxygen, superoxide,
peroxide and the hydroxy free radical
- describe typical reaction of ROS with lipids, proteins, and
nucleic acids and data to support the involvement of ROS in
complex diseases and aging.
- Briefly contrast the production and biological activities of
ROS and reactive nitrogen intermediates (RNIs)