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Learning Goals/Objectives for Chapter 2H: After class and
this reading, students will be able to
- describe experimental evidence to show that protein
misfolding and aggregation depends on the amino acid sequence
and the environment in which folding occurs.
- describe conditions in vitro that may promote aggregation
and how these might be minimized in vivo
- describe alternative conformations of prion proteins and
relate them to a energy topology landscape
- explain how prion diseases may be transmitted in the absence
of genetic material
H1. Protein Aggregation
We have seen that protein aggregates complicate
the lives of people who study protein folding in vitro and who try to
express human proteins in prokaryotes like E. Coli in vivo. Instead of
viewing these aggregates as junk, some now study them avidly. It turns out
that these aggregates are not as non-specific as earlier believed. In
addition, an understanding of how and when they form will give us clues into
the etiology and treatment of some of the most debilitating and feared
diseases. Much of this review is based on the following reference:
Taubes, G. Misfolding the Way to Disease, G. Science, 271, 1493-1495
Clues Showing the Specificity of Aggregate Formation
- 1970's: It was shown that chymotrypsinogen
could not be folded in vitro without aggregates forming. An intermediate
was presumed to have formed that if present in high concentration would
aggregate irreversibly instead of fold to the native state. Refolding of
tryptophanase showed that it aggregated only with itself, suggesting
- 1981: King, at MIT, found a single amino acid folding mutant in a
viral protein. Both the normal and mutant viral protein unfold at high
temperature, but only the mutant would aggregate at high temperature,
suggesting that aggregation could be programmed into or out of a gene
- mid 80's: The biotech industry, struggling
to express growth hormone, found that a single amino acid change in
bovine growth hormone completely prevented aggregation without affecting
correct folding.
This knowledge of protein folding and aggregation was soon turn toward
understanding several diseases in which protein aggregates were observed
which either initiated or were associated with disease. These protein
aggregates were termed "amyloid deposits" and seemed to be associated and
perhaps causative of several neurodegenerative diseases. The name amyloid
was first used by a German pathologist, Rudolf Virchow, who in 1853
described waxy tissue deposits associated with eosinophils (a type of immune
cell). These deposits seemed to resemble starch (made of amylose and
amylopectin) so he termed them amyloid. All known amyloid deposits are,
however, composed of protein, not starch. It now appears that these disease
may be caused by improper protein folding and subsequent aggregation. Except
in certain rare inherited diseases, the amyloid deposits are composed of
normal proteins (often called wild-type proteins) which seems to polymerize
into fibrils. Sometimes, in inherited conditions, or when mutations appear
in a specific protein, the amyloid protein deposits consist of the mutant
protein. The proteins in these deposited fibers are composed predominantly
of beta sheets which are perpendicular to the fiber axis, while the
polymerized protein usually has little beta sheet structure. Examples are
given below:
- Familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP) - Affects 1/10,00 to
1/100,000 people. The protein involved is called transthyrein, which
normally exists in blood as a tetramer formed by association of 4
identical monomers. In mildly acid condition in vitro, the equilibrium
between tetramer and monomer is shifted to monomer, which can aggregate
into fibrils. This aggregation could be promoted by possible transition
to a molten globule (discussed previously with lactalbumin) like state.
This has secondary structure but loosely packed tertiary structure with
more exposed hydrophobes. If the concentration is high enough the molten
globules aggregate. In people with the disease, mutations in the protein
destabilize the tetramer, pushing the equilibrium to the monomer, which
presumably increases molten globule formation and aggregation.
Specifically, Val30Met and Leu55Pro mutations promote dissociation of
the tetramer and formation of aggregates. Conversely, Thr119Met
inhibits tetramer dissociation. The aggregates deposit in heart, lungs,
kidney, etc, leading to death.
- Light Chain Amyloidosis; Light Chain Deposition Disease - The light
chain protein is a normal component of circulating antibody molecules.
Mutants in the light chain cause a destabilization of the native state
to state similar to a molten globule, which then aggregates.
- Lysozyme amyloidosis - This protein, with extensive alpha-helix
structure, is usually involved in carbohydrate catabolism. Two mutants,
Asp67His and another, Ile56Thr (normal amino acid/number in
sequence/mutant amino acid) destabliize the protein structure (as
indicated by a decrease in the Tm of about 10 degrees C) to a
molten-globule form, which probably aggregates to fibrils characterized
by extensive beta structure.
- Alzheimers-This disease involves a defect in a protein normally
found in the membrane of neurons. The protein, called beta-amyloid
precursor protein (BAPP), is a transmembrane protein. A slightly
truncated, soluble form is also found secreted from cells and is found
in extracellular fluid (such as cerebrospinal fluid and blood). The
normal function of these BAPP proteins is not yet clear. An endoprotease
cleaves a small 40-42 amino acid fragment from this protein, forming the
amyloid beta (Ab) protein. It is this protein or a mutant form of it
which aggregates to form beta-sheet containing fibrils in Alzheimer's
disease. Several mutations in different proteins have been linked to
Alzheimer's, but they all seem to increase production or deposition or
both of the amyloid beta protein. These deposited plaques are
extracellular, and have been shown to cause neuronal damage. The are
found in areas of the brain required for memory and cognition. The BAPP
gene is found on chromosome 21, the same chromosome which is present in
an extra copy (trisomy 21) in Downs Syndrome, whose symptoms include
presenile dementia and amyloid plaques. Aggregate formation appears to
be driven by increased expression of BAPP and hence amyloid beta
protein. In addition, some mutants may serve to destabilize the amyloid
beta protein, increasing its aggregation.

- Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs)
- Including scrapie in sheep, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow
disease), and in humans Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease (CJD), Fatal Familial
Insomnia (FFI),Gerstman-Straussler-Scheinker Syndrome, and Kuru
(associated with cannibalism). In these fatal diseases, the brain, on
autopsy, resembles a sponge with holes. In contrast to the diseases
above, these diseases can be transmitted from one animal to another, but
typically not between species. (However, consider the controversy with
mad cow disease.) Also, the infectious agent can self-replicate in vivo.
The logical conclusion is that a virus (slow-acting) is the causative
agent. However, the infectious agent survives radiation, heat, chemical
agents, and enzymes designed to kill viruses and their associated
nucleic acids. Mathematical analyses suggested that the infectious agent
in such diseases could be nothing more than a protein. Stanley B.
Prusiner in the 80's isolated just such a protein which he named a
prion, for proteinaceous infectious agent. Since then he and others have
amassed substantial evidence to support his contention. In October 1997
he was awarded the
Nobel Prize in Medicine.
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Aggregates and Disease
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Chapter 2H:
Aggregates and Disease

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