May Term 2007
Arts and Ideas


Payment Schedule                                  Current rate to buy Euros:

__    Applications due as soon as possible.  Early application can be to your advantage. 

__    Deposit of $200 due January 15 to reserve your spot.  Earlier deposits can be to your advantage.
       Note: Because of flight and hotel charges, this $200 deposit is not refundable after March 9.

__    $1200    Payment due March 9, 2007

__    $1800    Payment due  April 6, 2007

      Total   $3200*       

Note: These payments should be made on or before the dates listed.  A tuition charge of about $350 will appear on your student billing as a charge from the college. 

Please print out this schedule for your reference

 *subject to change depending on exchange rates and cost changes beyond our control.