Chemistry Online: An Approach Based on Chemical Logic
List of Figures
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Science, Nature, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.
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Chapter 1: Lipid Structure
Chapter 2: Protein Structure
Table: Structure and Property of the Naturally-Occurring Amino Acids
Amino Acids React to Form Proteins
- Review:
Comparison of protein, carbohydrate and nucleic acid synthesis
Different Representations of a Polypeptide (heptapeptide rep)
Stereochemistry of Amino Acids
Titration curves for Gly, Glu, and Lys
A review of the chemistry of aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acid
Understanding the properties of proteins: low to high resolution
Lysine Reactions 1
Lysine Reactions 2
Lysine Reactions 3
Cysteine Reacions 1
Cysteine Reactions 2
Sulfur redox chemistry
Disulfide - Cystine - Reactions
Disulfide Oxidizing Agents - β-mercaptoethanol, dithiothreitol and
reduction of disulfides
Cleaving Disulfide Bonds in Proteins
Redox state of Cysteine
Reactions of Histidine
Where is the H on His? Where is the Charge?
His reacts with reasonably high selectivity with diethyl pyrocarbonate
Post-translational modification of proteins
Understanding the properties of proteins: low to high resolution
Amino Acid absorbance profiles.
Edman Degradation
Mass Spectrum of Apo-Myoglobin
Linear and 3D Quadrupoles
Peptide Fragmentation and Sequencing by MS/MS
Annotated MS/MS spectra of
human Glu1- fibrinopeptide B
Secondary structure
Tertiary structure
Quaternary structure
- Peptide
Bonds - MOs and Huckel Diagram
The CD Spectra of Alpha-Helix, Beta-Sheet, and Random Coils
X-Ray Structures and the Parthenon
1D NMR spectra of a protein
2D NOSEY spectra of a protein
Extended Polypeptide Showing Planes and Phi/Psi Angle
Trans arrangement of the alpha C's
Ramachandran Plot
Ramachandran plots showing Phi, Psi angles for Gly, Ala, Tyr, and Pro in
actual proteins
Lennard-Jones potential (6-12 potential)
Right Handed Alpha helices -
Parallel beta strands
Antiparallel beta strands
Twisted Beta Sheet/Saddle
Beta Barrel
Beta strand connections
Reverse Turns
Type I and Type II Reverse Turns
Twisted sheets or saddles as well as beta barrels
Why do amino acid propensities for secondary structure differ?
EF hand.
Beta-hairpin, or beta-beta
Greek Key motif:
Beta Helices
Socks and protein folding
Anfinsen Experiment: Folding of RNase
Catalytic Shuffling of Disulfides with beta-mercaptoethanol
Kinetic and thermodynamic measurements of proteins stability and folding
Protein Folding Landscape:
Reversible denatuation,
Addition of iodoacetamide
Bovine pancreatic trypsin inhbitor (BPTI): Folding Kinetics
BPTI: Folding Pathway In Vitro
NMR in protein folding: exchange of all C's with ionizable protons,
including, the amide H's
Experimental data on model proteins
Unfolding of RNase H with Optical Tweezers
RNaseH Folding Transitions: Optical Trap
Folding Lanscape of RNase H: Optical Tweezers
Characteristics of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins
The Protein Trinity: Ordered, Collapsed and Extended States
Comparison of cytosolic prokaryotic and eukaryotic chaperone pathways
Overview - Synthesis of Protein Destined for Secretion
Signal Recognition Particle Complex
Sec Dependent Pathway for Post-translational translocation
Translocon Equilbrium Model
GroEL and GroES.
Denaturation Curves for Proteins
Diagram showing relative contributions to the ΔG for protein folding.
Denaturation temperature vs pH for proteins
Thermodynamic cycle for formation of a H-bonded dimer of
N-methylacetamide in a nonpolar solvent
Free energy of transfer of amino acids from water
Hofmeister Series
Free energy of transfer of the nonpolar amino acids into 8M urea
Reagents might interact with the surface of the protein.
Thermodynamic cycle for urea denaturation of proteins
Water Accessible Surface Area in Protein Unfolding
Change in G, H and -TS for taking benzene from pure benzene to water.
Heat of fusion, heat of vaporization, and heat capacity of water
Thermal Denaturation of a protein using differential scanning
Heat capacity of proteins vs temperature
Determination of ΔH for Protein Denaturation by Differential Scanning
Heat Capacity Changes: A Molecular Interpretation
Analogy between benzene solubility in water and protein denaturation
Stabilization of Carbocations by Hyperconjugation
Orbital involvement in H-bonds and n to pi* interactions in alpha
Ramachandran plots of n to pi* interactions.
Amino Acid Structure and propensity for secondary structure
Secondary structure prediction
Helical wheel projection
Hydrophathy plot for chymotrypsinogen
Types of membrane proteins
Hydropathy plot for bovine rhodopsin
Seven transmembrane helices for bovine rhodopsin
Nanodisc with membrane protein
3-helix bundle
Helices form early
Simultaneous and quick partial helix formation and collapse
Engrailed homeodomain 3 helix bundle protein
Complete Folding Pathway of Engrailed Homeodomain by Experiment and
Alzheimer's protein: beta amyloid protein and mutations
Cartoon Models of PrPc and PrPsc
Potential energy functions in protein mechanics and dynamics
Chapter 3: Carbohydrates
Chapter 4: DNA, Genomics, and Proteomics
Chapter 5: Binding
M is free macromolecule, L is free ligand, and ML is
macromolecule-ligand complex,
ML vs L at Varying Kd's
ML vs L at Even Lower Kd's
ML vs L at a Very Low Kd!
Y vs L and Y vs Lo when Lo is not >> Mo
Comparison of Covalent Binding of Protons vs Noncovalent Binding of
Saturation binding curve for dimerization of a macromolecule
- Isothermal
Titration Calorimeter Cells
Typical isothermal titration calorimetry data and analysis
Titration calorimetry determination of Kd and ΔH for the interaction of
gp120 and CD4
Binding Curves that Explain Sigmoidal Titration Calorimetry Data for
gp120 and CD4
Surface Plasmon Resonance
Negatively charged phospholipids in biological membranes
Hyperbolic plot: Y vs L
Double-reciprocal plot: 1/Y vs 1/L
Scatchard plot: Y/L vs Y
Semilog plot: Y vs log L
Y vs log L: Differing Kd values
Heme-O2 Octahedral Complex
Plots of Y (fractional saturation) vs L (pO2) are hyperbolic for Mb, but
sigmoidal for Hb,
Bohr Effect - Hemoglobin
Conformation Changes on Oxygen Binding to Deoxy-Hemoglobin
Salt Bridges in Deoxy Hb
- Salt
Bridges in DeoxyHb
C- or N- terminus
4 Ways to plot Mb and O2 plots
Plots of Y vs L for Hb with varying degrees of cooperativity: n = 1,
2.8, and 4
Hill Plot for Mb (n =1)
Hill Plots: n = 1, 2.8, and 4
Hill Plots For Hb Showing straight lines for n=2.8 and for n's=1 which
model the low and high affinity sites.
Hill Plot for Hb: Black line showing hypothetical actual curve
Linked equilibrium in he MWC model
Y Vs alpha with varying L and c - MWC MODEL
Hb binding curves: Experimental, vs Theoretical Hill and MWC Equations
Cooperativity as transition between two hyperbolic binding curves with
different Kd's
Equilbria in KNF Model
Conformational Selection vs Induced Fit Binding
Types of Molecular Recognition Features in Intrinsically Disordered
Linked equilibrium: binding of H+, CO2 and O2 to hemoglobin
A review of thermodynamic cycles - linked equilibria
C2 Symmetry
D2 Symmetry
Mutations causing Dimer with C2 symmetry or Infinite Helix
Equilibria in KNF Model
Conformational Selection vs Induced Fit Binding
Inhibitor-DNA-enzyme (IDE) - an engineered allosteric enzyme
A combination of MWC and KNF: a modern structure view of structural
changes in Hb on ligand binding
Of mice and oxygen
Receptor agonists/antagonist I
Receptor agonists/antagonist II
Process that affect the steady state concentration of a protein
Positive and Negative Regulation of Gene Transcription
Function of proteins in galactose utilization
IPTG and Lactose Structures
Induction of the Lac Operon
Control of globin gene transcription
Example of transcription complexes
Upon absorbing red light, a phytochrome photoreceptor is converted from
the inactive Pr form to the active Pfr form (permission)
Enhancers of Transcription
Eukaryotic promoters and regulatory regions
Eukaryotic multisubunit general transcription apparatus
AT and GC base pairs have available H bond donors and acceptors
Lambda Repressor/DNA Complex
helix-turn-helix in λrepressor/DNA complex
H Bond interactions betweenλ repressor and DNA
Zinc finger
Leucine zippers
Arg in T3c Transposase binding in Narrowed Minor Grove of T3c
Yeast Two-Hybrid
Protein Fragment Complementation
Tandem Affinity Purification
Activation of p53 as a transcription factor by phosphorylation and
conformational change
Canonical sequence for both activating and repressing p53RE
Transcription Factors: Functional Classification
Kinetics of protein-DNA binding
Two proteins, A and B,
Cooperative binding of B to the protein A-DNA complex.
Remodeling of Chromatin and Control of DNA Transcription
Methylation of CpG
RNA Interference: Antisense and Silencing
RNAi-mediated gene silencing in mammals using short haripin RNA genes.
Endosomal TLR3 Interaction with foreign RNA and DNA
Recognition of PAMPs by TLRs
An Overview of the Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaroytes
DNase I Sensitivity of Nucleosome Bound and Free DNA
Combinatorial Drug Development.
Test tube and in situ synthesis of triazole inhibitors.
RNA forms a dsRNA
Cells can be made to make an antisense RNA within the cells
Triple helix formation: binding to exposed H bond donors and acceptors
of bases not involved in Watson-Crick H-bonding interactions.
Peptide:nucleic acid hybrids
Detection of Differential Gene Expression in Tumors and Normal Cells
Using Microarray Chip
Multivalent inhibitor of flu virus
Multivalent Ligand Binding Models
Chapter 6: Transport and Kinetics
Chapter 7: Catalysis
Chapter 8: Oxidation/Phosphorylation
Chapter 9: Signal Transduction
Capstone: Origin of Life
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Biochemistry Online Table of Contents

Biochemistry Online by Henry Jakubowski is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.