Gs-alpha/adenylate cyclase complex

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I. Introduction

For more information see Biochemistry Online: Chapter 9B - Signal Transduction - Neurochemistry

II. General Structure

Wire Frame
Gs-alpha Subunit
Adenylate Cyclase Hetero Dimer
Distinguish Complex Chains by Color (cyclase chain A, cyclase chain B, Gs-alpha chain)
Backbone and sidechains
Cartoon showing hydrogen bonds (cyclase chain A, cyclase chain B, Gs-alpha chain)
Forskolin - an agonist (activator) or adenylate cylase
Show GSP (5'-Guanosine-Diphosphate-Monothiophosphate) a non-hydrolyzable analog of GTP which interacts with Gs-alpha
Show all Ligands - GSP (Orange), FOK (yellow)