TATA Box Binding Protein

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I. Introduction

The TATA Box Binding Protein is a transcription factor that binds to the minor groove of an eight base pair segment of DNA allowing RNA Polymerase to bind and begin transcription.  The Base Pairs are characterized by a redundant TATA pattern.

For more information see Biochemistry Online: Chapter 5D - Binding and the Control of Gene Transcription

II. General Structure

Spacefill Model Of protein. Notice: Saddle-like shape. Concave "underside" distorts DNA significantly when bound.
Backbone and sidechains of TATA Box Binding Protein
View DNA-The protein binds to the minor groove of the DNA
Cartoon Hbonds and Wireframe of TATA Box Binding Proteins Bound to Minor Groove of DNA. Note: Anti-Parallel Beta Pleated Sheets in Protein Binding Site. The Protein-DNA uses an induced fit mechanism
Binding site residues form a concave binding pocket for minor groove of DNA to bind
Binding Amino Acids along with spacefilling model of minor groove and interacting base pairs
Hydrophobes-Notice High Hydrophobicity in Binding Site. TBP-DNA Complex is characterized by 74% Hydrophobicity within binding site.
Secondary Structure of the Binding Pocket showing antiparallel Beta-Pleated Sheets in Binding Site
Specific Binding Amino Acids in Binding Site.

Nikolov, D.B., Chen, H., Halay, E.D., Hoffmann, A., Roeder, R.G., & Burley, S.K. (1996). Crystal structure of a human TATA box-binding protein/TATA element complex. 93, 4862-4867.