CSB/SJU Department of Nursing

Mission Statement, Learning Outcomes, Philosophy


Mission and Learning Goals  (CSB and SJU Specific Missions)

Main Page

Nursing 379

Nursing Homepage

Catholic Traditions

Benedictine Values

ANA Standards of Nursing Practice

ANA Standards of Professional Performance

The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education


Nursing 379.  Below are the learning outcomes for the Department of Nursing.  In each of the outcomes, key words contain hyperlinks with further definitions and references.


Class of 2007

Graduates will demonstrate the professional nurse role of provider and coordinator of care by:

  1. Establishing a professional nursing practice informed by Catholic and Benedictine traditions and values.
  2. Integrating professional values and standards and Liberal Arts and sciences in community-based and population-focused nursing care.
  3. Providing high quality professional nursing care in health promotion, risk reduction, disease prevention and illness and disease management.
  4. Communicating effectively in oral, written nonverbal, and electronic forms.
  5. Maximizing client health outcomes using critical thinking and evidenced-based practice.
  6. Providing socially responsible and ethical leadership dedicated to improving the human health condition.
  7. Advocating for health care that is culturally and ethnically sensitive to the unique needs of populations in local and global settings.

Class of 2008 and forward

Within the context of a liberal learning environment informed by Catholic and Benedictine traditions and values, graduates will improve the human condition and maximize health outcomes in professional nursing practice by:
  1. Synthesizing core competencies of critical thinking, communication, assessment, and technical skills.
  2. Modeling professional values of altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, and social justice.
  3. Synthesizing core knowledge of Health Promotion, Risk Reduction, and Disease Prevention; Illness and Disease Management; Information and Health Care Technologies; Ethics; Human Diversity; Global health Care; and Care Systems and Policy across a variety of healthcare situations.
  4. Upholding the professional standards of demonstrating practice and describing performance;
    a.  Practice: Assessment; Diagnosis; Outcomes Identification; Planning; Implementation; Evaluation
    b.  Performance: Quality of Practice; Education; Professional Practice Evaluation; Collegiality; Collaboration; Ethics; Research; Resource Utilization; leadership.
  5. Integrating the elements of the professional role: Provider, Designer/Coordinator, and Member of a Profession.








The process of influencing and inspiring an individual and/or group to pursue a vision held or shared by the leader in which the leader influences and inspires the individual(s) in a socially responsible, ethical and constructive manner.