Intrepid Class Starship
aka, USS Voyager
First, refer to the picture on your kit box, if you have the "first edition"
kit. Then get Cinefantastique Vol 27 #4-5 (Jan'96). This web page refers to many of
the pictures in that issue.
- fore quarter, down angle (77 kb; apologies for the page-fold
- top side (79 kb)
- bow-topside close-up (62 kb)
- aft keel (14 kb)
- bridge-registry-sensor array close-ups, mostly head-on (50
kb) and slightly from the side with annotations (80k)
- The kit viewports are in the right places for the most part. The problem is that the
first edition Voyager's 2- and 3-port clusters are molded as
"double-wide" and "triple-wide" rectangles. If your Voyager is
unilluminated, these rectangles should have a thin styrene strip run through them to
separate them into 2 or 3 ports. The strips should be painted to match the surrounding
hull. Or better, fill in all the port indentations since, at the kit's scale, the ports
would be virtually flush with the hull anyway. Paint the windows 'lit' or dark and mask them off before applying the hull
- The deck 1-2 superstructure has several inaccuracies. Compare the studio model to the
- Missing are ports, detail ribs, and a running light
(30k). Also, the deck 2 riser appears to be too short.
- Seen from overhead (20k), the kit's bridge is the wrong
shape, escape pod hatches are mis-placed, and the forward outline of deck 2 is too
- Close-up of decks 2-3 forward ports (21k)
- Landed (46k)
- The deflector grid needs serious work - like filling and re-scribing - especially aft on
the secondary hull.
- another fore-quarter shot (53k)
- the hangar fantail, upper and lower (37, 58k)
- saucer aft quarter, med close-up (33k)
- saucer topside, med close-up (37k)
- Borgified (42k) Note also the extra surface texturing
added in the CG rendering process.
- Bow view, CG image (38k)
- Deploying landing legs (21k)
- Aux deflector on saucer topside
- Fore sensor array on saucer topside
- Aerowing shuttle / saucer keel (26k)
- Upper spine (22k)
- Mid spine (18k)
- Lower spine; Aft torpedo launcher
- Bridge module (30k)
- Smaller phaser strip (16k)
- Hangar exterior (20k)
- Main deflector (25k)
- RCS unit (19k)
- Saucer underside, starboard (19k)
- Warp core ejection (20k)
Voyager's color scheme
Voyager's got a way-cool shuttlecraft (98k), too. Raise your
hand if you'd rather have seen a kit of this instead of the Kazon torpedo. Are you
listening, Revogram??