TOS Movies Shuttlecraft
ST-1: The Motion Picture
ST-2: The Wrath of Khan - no shuttlecraft
ST-3: The Search for Spock
- Fed HQ / Stardock shuttlecraft
- Studio model of the shuttlecraft.
- Three of the shuttles flying around in Stardock when Enterprise arrived in ST-3: 1 | 2 | 3
- Shuttle (matte painting) parked on the tarmack outside Fed
ST-4: The Voyage Home
- surface-to-dock shuttle | aft/topside | keelside (30 kb each) - note the Galaxy & Warbird
nacelle parts. This model was refitted to become the Jenolin
from TNG Relics.
ST-5: The Final Frontier
ST-6: The Undiscovered Country - no shuttlecraft