Learning Goals/Objectives for Chapter 6B: After class and this reading, students will be able to
Reversible First Order Reactions
A differential equation can be written for this reaction:
7. v = d[A]/dt = -k1[A] + k2[P]
This can be solved through integration to give the following equations:
Graphs of A and P vs t for this reaction at two different sets of values of k1 and k2 are shown below.
Figure: Reversible First Order Reactions: A <=> P
Spread Sheet:
Reversible First Order Reactions
Go to the following spread sheet and change the values of k1 and k2. Note the changes in the graphs. Remember from our discussion of macromolecule:ligand binding, the dissociation constant, Kd, was related to the rate constants by the formula Kd = k2/k1. Note that if the first order rate constants for a reversible chemical reaction are equal, Keq (and its inverse) equal 1, and the equilibrium concentrations of A and P are equal.
Mathematica CDF Player - Reversible First Order Reactions ([A] blue,
[B] red) (free
plugin required)
Interactive SageMath
Graph: Reversible 1st Order Reactions
Consecutive First Order Reactions
For these reactions:
Graphs of A, B, and C vs t for these reaction at two different sets of values of k1 and k2 are shown below.
Figure: Consecutive Irreversible First Order Reactions: A --> B --> C
Spread Sheet:
Consecutive Reactions -
Change the values of k1 and k2. Note the changes in the graphs.
Mathematica CDF Player - Irreversible Consecutive First Order Reactions ([A]
blue, [B] red, [C] orange (free
plugin required)
Interactive SageMath
Graph: Irreversible Consecutive First Order Reactions
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Archived version of full Chapter 5B: Kinetics of Simple and Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions