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◙ popular culture ◙ job market
8 / 28
strongly recommended (and extra-credit given for):
world premier screening of "The
Dying Fields" at St. John's U. library AV2 theater, 7 pm
8 / 30 Th
9 / 3 M
Zoolander (movie)
Naomi Klein, "Introduction," No Logo
9 / 5 W
No Logo, ch. 1 - 3
9 / 7 F
Cindy Lauper, “Goonies”
MTV video
Kanye West, "Diamonds from Sierra Leone"
video, and the remix
Mos Def, "New World Water"
National Public Radio, "Brazil's
Traditional Beats Revamped in Rio"
The World (radio), "Hip-Hop
Planet" and also glance through their "Global
Hit" archive
9 / 11 T
Franklin Foer, How Soccer Explains the World,
ch. 4, and
ch. 10
Adrian Campo-Flores, "A World of Cheer," Newsweek (14
May 2007): 56-7.
9 / 13 Th
9 / 17 M
9 / 19 W
No Logo, ch. 9-10
Thomas Friedman, "Anyone, Anything, Anywhere," New York
Times (22 September 2006): A21.
Friedman, "Big Ideas and No Boundaries," New York Times
(6 October 2006): A25.
9 / 21 F |