8 / 30 Th
9 / 3 M
Essay #1 due: write about a movie of your
choice in the context of globalization.
Discussion: movies and globalization.
9 / 5 W
In Class Essay: topic to be announced
9 / 7 F
Discussion of assigned reading: music, globalization, and the marketing of
9 / 11 T
Discussion of assigned reading: globalization and sports, causes and effects
9 / 13 Th
Essay #2 due: write about either music or
sports in the context of globalization
Library Game
9 / 17 M
Workshop on revising your essays
9 / 19 W
Presentation by
Discussion of assigned reading: the changing job market and your futures.
9 / 21 F
Revised Essay due: pick either your essay #1 or
#2 and revise it for a grade
presentation by
ATLAS on career services at the College of
St. Benedict / St. John's University