COMPLETE PORTFOLIO                                               ©  WILLEM IBES

De-coding with text-underlay
(Even though great care has been taken to arrive at a correct text, please consult a reliable Urtext edition for performance purposes.)

L. van Beethoven
Piano sonatas:
Opus 101                               Dorothea (Immortal Beloved)
Opus 106 III                          Benedictus qui venit ...
Opus 109                               Maximilliane
Opus 110                               Jesu, meine Freude
Opus 111                               Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott

String quartet:
Opus 135 I                            Muss es sein? Es muss sein!
Opus 135 III                          Jesu, meine Freude

Joh. Brahms
Piano concerto No. 1 II           Vater unser (Our Father)
Piano concerto No. 2 III          Benedictus qui venit ... 
Three Intermezzi Opus 117     Schlaf sanft, mein Kind...

J.S. Bach
Goldberg Variations (Theme and Variation No.25 Jesu meine Freude)
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring Jesus bleibet meine Freude

Fr. Schubert
Impromptu Gb Major           Ave Maria (Hail Mary)

I have not put a text to these sublime works. What I have done (see article "Extirpating the Romantic Virus") is to analyze them under the formal aspect of metrical/proportional analysis. I began this systematic process in 1994 and in the subsequent quarter of a century these soggetti cavati have simply (but not without considerable effort on my part!) revealed themselves to me.

(Beethoven Sonata Opus 101 - Vocal Transcription)


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