Others might call it their den, or studio, or workroom. But not me. Nope.
I do dennish, studious stuff in The Bat Cave.
Summer of '99 I moved into my current house. The term
"Bat Cave" is very apropos here, since the occasional bat shows up in the
basement. Note to self: keep the door to the basement closed if you don't want
to wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of a 'swooper.'
- Thanksgiving Weekend, 1999
- At long last, construction of the new model bench began.
- Fall 2003 - Winter 2004
- Building a spray booth. No more paint fumes.
- 2008
- I spent most of the year not working on kits, because
of what was going on next to the Batcave. An exercise room. As in remodeling
the 70's room into something useful. No longer the
junk collection room in the basement, this now serves
a purpose.
And, as if that wasn't enough, I
also built a mantel around my fireplace.