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May Activities

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Jen Jeff Tim Ann
  Great Poets' Magazine -- Interview with Sersch and Kate


Milosz's A Book of Luminous Things -- around the circle


1. Kevin Sersch Ryan and Sexuality

2. Joanna Steph Kate and Language of Life

3.  Scott John Adam
& Poetry Inspired by Great Paintings

4. Rachel and Our Book of Luminous Things

5.  Czeslaw Milosz's Book of Luminous Things - Five Poem and entries on them.

6.  Cessair and Amergin on Doctor's Island (The Chapel).... A Final Talisman

7.  Final Summary Period ...
a) 3 Talismans and 60+ Mini talismans (lines) from the poems we have covered.
b) Favorite Entry of Your Own
c) Meaningful, Helpful, Insightful, Creative Entry of a Classmate
d) What I wanted to accomplish in my two presentations and why I think this is important.
e)  What I wanted to accomplish in my Midterm Paper and why I think this is important.


Milosz's A Book of Luminous Things -- around the circle


S. Eva and Hans Weyandt Readings

May 1

Steph Kate Joanna on Language of Life --


Kevin Sersch Ryan on Sexuality


Mark Conway Reading and discussion on  The Craft of Poetry.


S. Mara Reading:
  Voice and Social Justice

11  Rachel and Our Book of Luminous Things -- Discussion on the meaning of poetry now in ourt lves after a semester of exposure.  Adam:  It has deepend the atheist in me and the believer.   Around the circle.

4:30 pm:
Thorpe Running on poems by Octavio Paz and Borges

Amergin and Cessair afternoon at shaman island!


8-10:30 AM
Final Exam (see below)

exams exams



HONR 250 -- Great Poets for Life
Spring Term 2000
Final Reminiscences and Course Summary

1.  Write out as many mini-talismans as you can -- quotes from the poems -- on the five sheets provided.    [They had about 60-70 such lines by heart.-- see theme sheets 1-4 (HONR 250 MINI QUOTES from all poems assignment  HONR 250 theme 4 war and holocaust) and this one for May:

Additional poems and mini-talismans of your choosing



Poem Title

Your Quote ...

2.  Write out the three poems you have learned by heart and explain why these three hold a power for you.  Mark these pages "Poems By Heart ."

3.  Write a commentary on a favorite entry of your own and also one of a classmate.   Attach copies of these entries.  Why do you think these two were especially effective?  Mark the page "Effective Entries."

4.  Summarize your two presentations and what you wanted to accomplish in these and why you think these goals are important. "Presentations."

5.  Summarize the purpose of your term paper -- what did you want to convince your reader of and why is this important? "Term Paper."

6.  Go back to the five mini-talisman sheets and circle the titles of the 12 poems which are most important to you and explain why here.  Include the poem number here.



7. Your mailing address if you would like thse pages mailed to you in June....



