
Student Members

Syllabus, Class Descrition and Required Texts


Poems and Themes

Before Class

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Great Poets
Class Members



Fr. Mark Thamert
Office Hours 9-10 AM daily

and by appointment

E-mail mthamert@csbsju.edu
Phone 3520 or 2394 evenings

Student Name Class Major
Briggle, Adam SR BIOL
Castor, Rachel SO ENGL
Flynn, Kevin FR UNDC
Frerich, Stephanie SO ENGL
Lindquist, Jen SO ENGL
Lucas, Kate SO ENGL
Markwardt, Jeff SO ENGL
Oakland, Tim SO MGMT
Schultz, Ryan SO ECON
Sersch, Mike SR ENGL
Solomon, John JN ENGL
Stone, Joanna FR UNDC
Walters, Anne SO ENGL
Williams, Scott SO HIST
Katterhagen, Aric GS CHEM

             YOUNGdancer.gif (11730 bytes)  But poets as you say are like the holy disciples of the Wild One
'Who used to stroll over the fields through the whole divine night.
--Friedrich Hölderlin, "Bread and Wine," in Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart, p. 12.