CH112: Chemistry of Organic and
Biological Molecules

On-Line Study Guide - Class Schedule - Sp 2004


Web Links

Chapter Readings


Organic Chemistry

1, 1/13 Tu2

Introduction to Organic Chem

syllabus review;

representing molecular structure;

structure/properties of molecules:

glucose vs hexane

2, 1/15 Th4

Functional Groups

Computer Lab: Functional Groups


Chapt 23

pg 984-1000 (to alkene and reactions);

Functional Group "dry lab".


3: 1/19 M6

Introduction to Organic Chem (con't)

Reaction Mechanisms;Drawing Reaction Mechanisms

Nucleophiles, electrophiles

Intro. to carbonyl chemistry

Chapt 23

Qz: Identify Functional Groups;


isomers: structural/configurational

Breaking bonds to carbon: carbanions, carbocations, free radicals



4, 1/21 W2





Chemistry: of Carbonyls : nucleophile addition and substition

  1. Aldehydes, Ketones

  2. Carboxylic Acid Derivatives

  3. Protonation/Deprotonation of Intermediates

  4. hydrolysis of carboxylic acid derivatives


  1. Acids and Bases - A review

  2. Animation:  Reaction of HCl and water.
  3. Formation of Molecular Ions from Acids
  4. HCl + H20: Space fill model, electron density model, and reaction mechanism.
  5. Strengths of Acids: Stability of negatively charged product (base)

Relative reactivity of carboxylic acid anhydrides to hydrolysis


Chapt 4.6; 15.1-15)




5, 1/23 F4

Review: Relative reactivity of carboxylic acid anhydrides to hydrolysis

Ordering Strong and Weak Acids

Organic Molecules as Acids: pKa's

4 Rules of Chemical Reactivity

Review of Bases - Amines as weak bases


Lab Day 5 (Monday  1/26):  functional group identification

Quiz:  Mechanism - carboxylic acid derivative;

Review web links to left;

Book:  .

6, 1/27 Tu6

Redox Reactions

  1. Review Oxidation/Reduction

  2. Counting Electrons:  Oxidation Numbers

  3. Oxidation Organic Molecules: Problem Set

  4. Oxidation of Alcohols - Oxidizing Agents and Identification


7, 1/29 Th 2

Oxidation of Alkenes and Aldehydes - Oxidizing Agents and Identification

Chemistry of Alkenes, Aromatics, Alcohols



Quiz:  rx mechanisms 2

8, 2/2/04, M 4

Phosphoesters, Phosphoanhydrides, and ATP

The Meaning of ΔG, ΔGostab, and ΔGconc

Lab Day 5 (2/3):  Alcohols

Chapt. 12.1, 12.10, 12.12;

Chapt 13.1-13.2, 13.5-13.10;


9, 2/4/04
W 6


Example: ΔG and the reactions of hydrochloric acid and acetic acid

Reaction Rates and Equilibrium



Chapt. 12.1, 12.10, 12.12;

Chapt 13.1-13.2, 13.5-13.10;
Chapt 8.7, 8.13-14; 17.1-17.3;

Homework: Do in Groups of no more than 3:  Reaction Review |KEY

10, 2/6

F 2

Driving Unfavorable Reactions

pH and buffers

Read pH and buffer web site

11, 2/10

Tu 4

pH and buffers

Read pH and buffer web site

12, 2/12

Th 6

pH and buffers

Read pH and buffer web site

12, 2/16

M 2

Test 1 Study Guide 1

Biological Molecules and the Central Dogma of Biology

13, 14

2/18 W4

2/20 F6



  1. straight chain and cyclic sugars

  2. 5 and 6 C sugars to know

  3. hemiacetals, acetals, and dissacharides

  4. polysaccharides: starch, glycogen, and cellulose

  5. amylose, amylopectin


Chapt 24.7-24.10


2/24 Tu 2



  1. Fatty Acids

  2. Phospholiids

  3. Micelles and Bilayers

  4. single chain amphiphile | micelle
  5. micelle
  6. double chain amphiphile | bilayer membranes
  7. bilayer


Chapt 24.11)


2/26 Th 4



  1. 20 naturally occurring amino acids

  2. Primary structure of proteins

  3. Secondary Structure - alpha helix and beta sheets

  4. Tertiary Structure - 3D structure of proteins

  5. Membrane Protein

Lab 2/27 F: CHO  amylose, amylopectin

Chapt 24.1-24.6

17,18, 19

3/8, 3/10, 3/12

M 6, W 2

F 4


  1. The Structure of DNA

  2. Central Dogma of Biology

  3. Sickle Cell Hemoglobin


Chapt 24.12-24.14

Carbohydrate Metabolism



Tu 6


  1. Glycolysis




Th 2



  1. Cori Cycle

  2. Gluconeogenesis




M 4

  1. Gluconeogeneis - detailed highlghts

  2. Regulation of enzyme activity: allosteric enzymes; kinases/phosphatases






  1. Glycogen Breakdown - Glycogenolysis

  2. Glycogen Synthesis

    • Glycogen Synthesis - detailed highlights

  3. ATP as Substrate, Allosteric Activator/Inhibitor, and Covalent Regulator of Enzyme Activity




F 2


  1. Glycogen Breakdown - Glycogenolysis

  2. Glycogen Synthesis

    • Glycogen Synthesis - detailed highlights

  3. ATP as Substrate, Allosteric Activator/Inhibitor, and Covalent Regulator of Enzyme Activity

  4. Allosteric and Phosphorylation Control of Glycogen Phosphorylase


Lipid Metabolism

25, 3/30

Tu 4


Krebs Cycle, Oxidative Phosphorylation, ATP synthesis

  1. Pyruvate Dehydrogenase

  2. Kreb's Cycle - TCA CYCLE



26, 4/1

Th 6

Test 2

Study Guide 2

27, 4/5

M 2

 Krebs Cycle, Oxidative Phosphorylation, ATP synthesis
  1. Electron transport and proton gradient formation in the mitochondria
  2. Lipophilic electron carrier, ubiquinone, UQ
  3. mitochondria ATP synthesis

  4. substrate-level ox-phos in glycolysis


28, 4/7

W 4

  1. Fatty Acid Oxidation

  2. Fatty Acid Synthesis


Integration of Metabolism/Misc.

29, 4/14

W 6

  1. Triacylglyceride Metabolism

  2. Ketone Body Synthesis - Ketogenesis

  3. Ketone Body Utilization



30, 4/16

F 2

Horror Film


31, 4/20

Tu 4

Discussion Horror Film: Influenza


32, 4/22

Th 6

Organ Specialization and Hormone Signaling


33, 4/26

M 2


34, 4/26

W 4

Test 3 Study Guide 3

35, 4/26

F 6

PPARs, Leptin, Adiponectin, Review



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